‘I was wrong to trash GM’: author Mark Lynas

A former campaigner against genetic modification (GM) told the Oxford Farming Conference yesterday (January 3) he deeply regretted his part in the campaign that has denied millions safe and affordable food.

Environmental campaigner and author Mark Lynas said: “I regret completely the part I played in helping to campaign against GM food starting in 1995.”

Lynas said the campaign – which featured “an anti-science message” − had demonised GM techniques. In doing so, it had held back the development of important GM technologies, which could make a powerful contribution to improving the availability of safe food while cutting pesticide, fertiliser and other imputs such as diesel.

‘The real Frankenstein’s monster’

“The real Frankenstein’s monster was not GM science but our reaction to it,” he said.

Watch out for FoodManufacture.co.uk’s exclusive video interview with Lynas next week.

Meanwhile, GM science is just one of the topics under discussion in a free webinar to take place at 11am GMT on Thursday January 24.

FoodManufacture.co.uk has teamed up with the Institute of Food Science & Technology (IFST) to help move the debate about controversial food science and technology topics onto a more secure scientific footing.

To book your free place, click here.