Oxford farming conference

Does Groceries Code Adjudicator need new teeth?

By Laurence Gibbons

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Related tags Groceries code adjudicator Need

Tougher powers for the Groceries Code Adjudicator (GCA) were under discussion at last week’s Oxford Farming Conference.

In this exclusive video for FoodManufacture.co.uk, Labour, Conservative and UKIP politicians shared their views on the current role of the GCA – Christine Tacon – and whether her powers should be revised.

Shadow food and farming minister Huw Irranca-Davies told this website there needed to be a discussion over whether or not she should have a wider range of sanctions, not necessarily bigger penalties.

“We do see from time-to-time penalties that shock the consumer as well as policy makers like myself,”​ he said.

‘Wider remit’

“I do think we need to get back to that debate of if it’s not the Competition Authority ​[that should resolve an issue] then does the Groceries Code Adjudicator need more teeth – A wider remit? We’ve said it today and we’ve said it before: that needs to be revisited.”

Irranca-Davies also claimed – in this video – that The Competition Authority was often reluctant to deal with issues.

Watch this video to hear why environment secretary Liz Truss said trade organisations should play a bigger role in bringing cases for investigation to the GCA.

Meanwhile, UKIP’s agriculture spokesman, Stuart Agnew, claimed that in order to increase credibility the GCA needed to secure a prosecution. Read more about the debate on the need for fresh powers for the GCA here​.

Don’t miss our video interviews with Irranca-Davies​ on the Labour’s food policy and Agnew​ on migrant labour.

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