Failed waste-to-energy plant still for sale

No buyer had yet been found for the Holsworthy Biogas waste-to-energy plant which went into administration in January, as Food Manufacture went to...

No buyer had yet been found for the Holsworthy Biogas waste-to-energy plant which went into administration in January, as Food Manufacture went to press, although a "high level of interest" had been show in it, according to joint administrator BDO Stoy Hayward.

In a statement last month, BDO said: "There have been over 40 expressions of interest in the company ... This is a really innovative company and it would be very disappointing if it didn't have a future."

Holsworthy, which converts animal and food waste into renewable electricity and bio fertiliser, is capable of generating 2.2MW of electricity. It went into administration because it was unable to finance essential capital investment necessary to meet stringent environmental operational standards (see story on p20).

Turnover for the 12 months to December 31 2004 was about £1.3m and projected profit for the 12 months ending December 31 2005 was expected to be in the region of £360,000.