Big weigher helps small cheese maker

A high performance process weighing system has enabled a small cheese manufacturer Aeron Valley Cheese to dramatically increase its cheese...

A high performance process weighing system has enabled a small cheese manufacturer Aeron Valley Cheese to dramatically increase its cheese production. The system was supplied by Applied Weighing.

The original weighing system was not reliable. Also, blocks of cheese were coming out of the three block former towers in varying weights. The new system shows a graphic weight display for each of the block former towers and provides communication with the system control.

Alongside the three towers is a conveyor line which comes back on itself in a loop. A checkweigher on the conveyor belt checks the weights of the cheese coming out of the towers. It is now possible to correct any changes in weight by changing the cheese cutter settings in the towers.

Contact: Applied Weighing Tel: 0118 946 1900