Small data logger flies off the shelf

Related tags Sensor Cold chain

The new DuoSens two channel battery-powered data-logger from OTT Hydrometry looks set to break all company records. Production is running at full...

The new DuoSens two channel battery-powered data-logger from OTT Hydrometry looks set to break all company records. Production is running at full capacity in order to keep up with demand, says the company, as customers order the small, cost-effective logger with the functionality of larger, more expensive devices.

The DuoSens has been designed for environmental monitoring. Typical sensors include temperature, water level and humidity. But it will facilitate the collection of a wider variety of parameters including water quality.

Available in two versions, the DuoSens can be supplied with a built-in display and control button or it comes without either feature in the more cost-effective basic model.

Contact: OTT Hydrometry Tel: 0115 965 6549

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