The OvenScope video inspection system from McQueen Cairns Technology produces videos of the internal surfaces of continuous ovens as it passes along the conveyor. It can cut costs by reducing unplanned maintenance and avoiding downtime caused by oven fires and other failures.
The battery powered, computer-based system can make up to four video recordings simultaneously of cold ovens. When the unit emerges from the oven, the videos can be viewed by plugging in a keyboard and monitor. They can also be archived onto DVD in industry standard MP4 format.
Only 28mm high, the OvenScope's low profile allows it to pass through most ovens. Fully self-contained, it does not require any umbilical cables. The modular system can be set up with a range of camera and lighting configurations.
A laser provides a straight-line reference to assist in image interpretation and for comparison between inspections.
A tracking system ensures that problems identified can be quickly located.
Developed by United Biscuits, where it has already led to six figure savings, the OvenScope is manufactured and marketed by McQueen Cairns Technology under licence.
Contact: McQueen Cairns; Tel: 0208 400 1020