Two of Europe's food equipment companies have joined forces to bring manufacturers new options in cold-fill sauce production. Pursuit Dynamics and Air Products have collaborated to launch the revolutionary PDX Sonic and the Freshline Continuous Sauce Chiller as an integrated production-line unit.
The combined solution for cooking and chilling sauces dramatically reduces processing time and significantly increases throughput capacity. Crucially, the system maximises plant cost-effectiveness by remaining within the existing equipment footprint, or even reducing it.
Unlike traditional processing equipment, this new system can be retrofitted into existing plant layouts. This provides manufacturers with improved versatility and compatibility with existing production processes.
The PDX Sonic and Freshline Continuous Sauce Chiller offer manufacturers reduced product waste, repeatable automatic processes, reduced clean-in-place and effluent requirements, and more efficient energy use.
Contact: Air Products; Tel: 0800 389 0202