Terror chip offers food assurance

Refractive index (RI) measurement technology, initially developed for counter bio-terrorism applications by Southampton University spin-out...

Refractive index (RI) measurement technology, initially developed for counter bio-terrorism applications by Southampton University spin-out Stratophase, is now offering a cost-effective solution to process control and quality assurance testing in food and drink manufacturing.

The robust, self-referenced optical sensor chips are suitable for use in any liquid processing application including water monitoring and fermentation.

RI measurements are regularly used in the food and drink manufacturing process to gauge sugar levels as part of the quality assurance process. With accuracy greater than one part per million, the Stratophase chips make possible the measurement of even minor RI variations caused by sweeteners and other ingredients.

The ability to make multi-wavelength measurements at a single point also offers the potential to 'finger-print' liquids, further increasing the depth of information available to the user.

Contact: Stratophase; Tel: 01794 511226