Premier Foods upgrades to 'no-touch' staff washrooms

Two upgraded washrooms used by Premier Foods production staff at its Batchelors Cup a Soup plant in Ashford, Kent, have Rada Sense digital water...

Two upgraded washrooms used by Premier Foods production staff at its Batchelors Cup a Soup plant in Ashford, Kent, have Rada Sense digital water control technology at the heart of the 'no-touch' washing facilities.

Rada is the commercial division of Kohler Mira and as part of the upgrade of the male and female washrooms, it installed no-touch control of hand washing and showering environments. This has involved installing 11 Rada Sense units in each washroom, as well as Kohler Odela wc pans and urinals, all of which automatically flush using the Rada Pulse no-touch central electronic flow control system.

In addition, Rada Sense hand washing controls have been installed in the lobby washroom areas used by visitors.

The Rada Sense digital mixing valves are operated by infrared wall-mounted control panels installed above wash hand basins or in shower cubicles. The mixing valves incorporate an intelligent 'duty flush' feature that monitors the time since the outlet was last used. If it has not been used for a pre-determined time, the appliance is automatically flushed through at a safe temperature to clear water that may have been stagnant in the pipe work or, more importantly, in any dead legs.

Contact: Kohler Mira Tel: 0870 850 5551