Out with the old columnist
There are a number of changes this year: new legislation; a new European Commission; a new European Parliament; and a new columnist for this spot - though I don't consider myself old!
My first column was written in 2006 where I noted that Jean Feord (my predecessor) started her column in 2003 writing about a proposal to create a positive list of enzymes. I followed this observation by covering the European Commission's announcement of the publication of the proposed food improvement agents package. Now at the start of 2009 the Regulations are finally agreed - not a quick process!
I have often written about claims controls and I want to pass comment briefly on other labelling matters. One must remember that from the regulatory perspective claims amount to voluntary labelling. Mandatory labelling principles have remained the same for many years; whilst change may come from the food information regulation basic mistakes on food labels are easy to find in the marketplace.
We hold a 'black museum' of incorrect labels at LFI for use on training courses and when we refresh the products it is always easy to pick up packaging failing on simple things such as food names, nutrition declarations, Quantitative Ingredient Declarations (QUID) and, of course, allergen labelling. I guess I end with a prompt to you to not forget the 'old' rules in still force while keeping up to date with new ones. I wish you a happy New Year and farewell!
I am handing over this column to Dr Paul Berryman, chief executive of LFI. After a three years at LFI I am moving on to Mars Drinks as scientific and regulatory affairs manager. Berryman is a former public analyst and head of trading standards so will be imparting his scientific and regulatory opinions until a new head of regulatory services is appointed.
Kath Veal is business manager, Regulatory and Technical Consultancy Services at LFI