FDF appoints nutrition manager
The Food and Drink Federation (FDF) has appointed Melanie Ruffell to the post of nutrition manager.
Ruffell joins FDF after a career in dealing with health claims and nutrition issues. She was executive director of the Joint Health Claims Initiative (JHCI) and has worked as an independent consultant advising and training interested parties on the new EC Regulation on Nutrition and Health Claims, with a particular focus on the practical application of this legislation and its scientific evidence requirements.
At FDF Ruffell will be responsible for scientific, technological and regulatory developments related to nutrition policies, diet and public health. In particular, she will lead on saturated fat and energy; GDA labelling; nutrition and health claims; nutrient profiling; obesity; and the addition of nutrients.
Ruffell said: “I am delighted to be joining FDF at a time when there is so much happening in the area of food nutrition and policy. Diet and public health are key issues for manufacturers and I look forward to working with them and policy makers to ensure they all play a key part in the debate and that policy decisions are grounded in robust science.”