Its Ultrathane range is ideal for use in food preparation areas or for areas where infection control is vital.
Ultrathane contains Ultra-Fresh, which is an anti-microbial additive, to protect against dust mites and bacterial and fungal attack.
Ultra-Fresh is proven to work against a wide range of organisms, says Resin Surfaces. These include MRSA, E.coli, Salmonella and many other harmful bacteria.
Ultra-Fresh also helps to combat asthma and a host of other allergies.
Ultrathane is quick to install, providing a matt, textured surface that is seamless, eliminating the likelihood of bacteria growth in joints. It has good anti-slip properties, making it suitable for wet areas and has a 10 year plus life expectancy.
Ultra-Fresh compounds are Environmental Protection Agency registered and are also fully compliant with the new European Biocides Products Directive legislation.
Ultrathane has also been tested as a non-taint product, and will not transfer any contaminating organisms, odours or staining.
Key contact
Resin Surfaces Tel: 0161 483 1232