Salmon farmer harvests rivals

Asda and Tesco salmon supplier Grieg Seafood Hjaltland, this week acquired Skelda Salmon Farms and G Duncan (Salmon) for £2.19m.

The two businesses have farm licences with a combined discharge consent of 2,100t together with farm equipment, including a work boat, feeding barge, and cages.

Grieg Seafood’s chief executive, Morten Vike said: “The sites, Setter Voe and Spoose Holm, will be highly beneficial to our farming operation as they are all located on the west side of Shetland where the company already has significant operations.”

The Grieg Seafood Hjaltland group already processes over 50% of Shetland’s total salmon production from 30 sites around Shetland.

23,000t in 2012/13

The acquisition will increase its farm site production to more than 23,000t in 2012/13. The company is forecasting to increase production to over 24,000t by 2014/15.

Michael Stark md said: “With salmon being grown on the Setter Voe and Spoose Holm sites, Hjaltland Seafarms will be in a position to offer Freedom Foods certified salmon from these sites in 2013 through its sales and marketing company Shetland Products.”