Robert Wiseman confirms ‘unconditional’ Müller deal

Müller’s takeover of Robert Wiseman dairies is now complete after the firm announced that the £280M offer from the German yogurt maker was “unconditional in all respects”.

Müller has secured 93.9% of Wiseman’s shares, which will be de-listed from the London Stock Exchange at the beginning of March.

The dairy giant is expected to pay Wiseman investors 390p for each of their shares on February 20, after the two firms agreed on the deal last month.

The offer is now unconditional in all respects,” a statement from the firm revealed.


Müller intends to procure that Wiseman applies to the UK Listing Authority for the cancellation of the listing of Wiseman Shares on the Official List and to the main market of the London Stock Exchange.”

Following the announcement, Wiseman also confirmed that chairman, Robert Wiseman has resigned from the firm but will remain as a non-executive director.

Non-executive directors, Ernest Finch and Jack Perry have also left the firm.

They have been replaced by Theo Müller Jnr, Ronald Kers and Dr Henrik Bauwens, who were appointed as non-executive directors yesterday.

A spokesman for Wiseman said: “On behalf of all Wiseman shareholders the executive directors of Wiseman wish to express their thanks to the non-executive directors for their dedicated service to the company over the years and to wish them all the best for the future.”