Fix the mix for organic granola

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Fix the mix for organic granola
German organic food producer Barnhouse is using an Ajax Equipment continuous mixer and batch mixer to make organic crunchy granola for breakfast cereals on a new process line.

Granola is produced by mixing rolled oats, nuts, and sometimes rice, with oil and honey. The Ajax batch mixer, with ribbon blender, is used to mix the dry cereals, which are then transferred to a buffer storage hopper that provides a controlled feed to the Ajax twin-paddled, continuous mixer.

The Ajax mixer has multiple entry ports along its length to enable syrup and oil to be added. This enables the machine to handle a variety of cereals that absorb syrup and oil at different rates by varying the point at which they are added to the blend.

These 304L stainless steel constructions have been designed for hygienic operation and provide ease of cleaning in place.

"We have used Ajax Equipment mixers for a number of years,"​ says Barnhouse md Neil Reen. "They are particularly well suited to meeting the exacting standards we expect at Barnhouse."

Contact:​ Ajax Equipment

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