United Biscuits cuts crisp wastage by the throat
The packing lines previously used conventional end-of-line metal detectors, which inspected sealed multi-packs of crisps. If a foreign metal object was detected in one individual bag, the entire multi-pack would be rejected.
Lock's Met30+ Universal throat metal detectors were retrofitted to crisp packing lines in the confined space between the outlet of the multihead weigher and the inlet to the vertical form-fill-seal bag maker so that crisps were inspected during the free-fall prior to entering the bag. Without the hindrances of the metallised film packaging, the detectors work at optimum level.
Paul Simcox, project engineer for UB, said: "Lock's throat metal detectors have exceeded our expectations in waste reduction and optimising the packaging efficiency, and have given us the product quality assurances we need to retain retailer confidence."
Contact: Lock Inspection