FERA to offer support services for new product development

Support for new product development (NPD) is available, following the creation of a new Applied Innovation Campus at the Food and Environment Research Agency (FERA) in York.

The Innovation Campus is a completely new departure for the York-based FERA, an executive agency of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, which is widely recognised for its food testing services and regulatory expertise.

Finance director Paul Whitfield said: "We have a very good reputation for safety and testing, with many of the larger food manufacturers working with us on the more complicated issues of their operations. At present, we're usually involved towards the end of the process, but we want to be able to work in partnership with manufacturers at an earlier stage in the product development process."

More that 800 people, 600 of whom are scientists, are based at FERA's Sand Hutton premises, working in the applied sciences around a sustainable food chain, a healthy natural environment and protecting people from biological and chemical risks.

"The Applied Innovation Campus means we are starting to build a real community here where we, and food manufacturers, will get the benefits of shared working and knowledge," added Whitfield.

Organisations already working alongside FERA at the site include Aptamer Diagnostics, Forsite Diagnostics and the Health Protection Agency.