New tool to cut the salt from DSM

In the wake of the Department of Health’s (DH’s) new Salt Strategy, which was launched on March 12, the launch of DSM’s new sodium reduction toolbox couldn’t be more timely.

In a bid to cut the public’s salt intake from a current average of 8.1g a day to the new target of 6g a day, the DH is urging food manufacturers to voluntarily reformulate food products and help to cut consumption by 25%.

DSM claims that its sodium toolbox can help manufacturers to reduce salt in savoury products by up to 50% without losing taste or mouthfeel.

The toolbox is based on a five-step approach that enables manufacturers to choose from a portfolio of natural taste enhancers, including 100% natural yeast extracts and process flavours. Depending on the type of product and the salt reduction target, each of the ingredients in the toolbox can be added on its own or combined in five steps, which will enhance saltiness, restore the umami, add salty taste and achieve a homemade meat or vegetable flavour.

Salt reduction

By activating taste receptors  ̶  particularly umami, in the mouth and throat  ̶  flavourings based on yeast extract can help compensate for the taste losses that are usually associated with salt reduction.

DSM claims that tests have also demonstrated that 60% of consumers preferred the combination of sodium-reduced tomato sauce when combined with DSM yeast extracts, saying that it tasted less sour and had a richer, more authentic taste than the full-salt version.

“Many sodium reduction solutions have not been able to deliver the taste consumers expect and manufacturers often faced difficult choices,” said DSM’s business line manager Dennis Rijnders. “Now they can formulate healthy yet delicious food products.”