Dairy processors targeted in farmers’ name and shame list

The National Farmers Union (NFU) has upped the pressure on dairy processors to sign its Dairy Industry Code of Best Practice for contractual relations by publishing a name-and-shame list of firms that have refused to sign.

The list of refuseniks included 10 processors, ranging from Glanbia Cheese to Nom Dairy and Yeo Valley. While some have had “positive discussions” about the code, others have issued no public statement about the voluntary code, according to the NFU.

Negotiations with Wyke Farms were on-going it added.

The farmers’ group also issued a positive list of 10 dairy processors that had signed the code. The list included: Arla Food UK, Dairy Crest, First Milk and Müller-Wiseman Dairies.

‘Urging farmers and retailers’

Publication of the list was timed to co-incide with the first anniversary of the launch of its #SOSDairy campaign, which aimed to win a fairer deal for dairy producers. “The NFU has today published a list of processors agreeing to give dairy farmers fair contracts, and is urging retailers and farmers to make sure they insist on their processors doing the same,” said an statement accompanying the lists.

More than 85% of the processing market has now signed up to the code of practice, said the NFU.

NFU president Peter Kendall said: “Without doubt, the British dairy industry is in a better place now than it was 12 months ago, when price cut after price cut was forcing farmers to breaking point and there were genuine worries about the future of the industry.

The Dairy Coalition

“What we have done in the last year with the Dairy Coalition is to work really hard to get to a place where the industry can stand on its feet again, and the code of practice is a vital tool to ensure this happens.”

Kendall added that signing up to the code meant farmers would have flexible contracts that would  encourage healthy competition within the market. “It gives confidence to people wanting to invest in British dairy and shows that people understand how important this industry is to the nation,” he said.

“Only when everyone is signed up can we have a fair, unified and profitable dairy industry that benefits the whole chain and will give us all an industry we can be proud of.”

The NFU today (June 28) placed an advert in FoodManufacture.co.uk’s sister title The Grocer to announce which firms had signed the code.  


Dairy processors that signed 

•Arla Foods UK

•Cotteswold Dairy

•Cricketer Farms

•Dairy Crest

•First Milk

•Lactalis, McLelland ‘The Fresh Milk Company’

•J & E Dickinson, Longley Farm

•Lye Cross Farm

•Müller-Wiseman Dairies

•Parkham Farms


Those that have not signed

  • Glanbia Cheese
  • Meadow Foods
  • Medina Dairy
  • Paynes Dairies
  • Freshways


More information both the positive and negative list of dairy processors is available here.