Government demands more detail from Elliott review

The government has demanded more information on the recommendations in professor Chris Elliott’s interim review into the horsemeat crisis.

In this exclusive video for Elliott, who is director of the Institute for Global Security at Queen’s University Belfast, said the government were right to ask for more.

“I have had a huge number of meetings across Whitehall and what they are asking me for – and rightfully are asking – for more detail,” Elliott said. “I have given the government a lot more information and detailed plans based on models that I have looked at right around the world.”

More detail and substance

The final review – set to be released within the next month – will add a lot more detail and substance to Elliott’s interim report, he said.

Elliott has made his recommendations on a systems-based approach, meaning if all of the suggestions are not followed none of them will work, he claimed.

Watch this video to find out what mistakes Elliott identified food firms had made to open themselves up to fraud, why they need to start sharing intelligence and what he wants to see happen when his report is published.