Halloween boosts food and drink sales: Mintel

Halloween is proving devilishly good for UK food and drink sales, according to new research from Mintel.

Sales of Halloween related goods – many including food and drink products – are expected to top £240M this year, up from £230M last year.

Formerly a north American tradition, the UK food and drink sector is now targeting the spooky season as a key time for new launches. The number of food and drink products launched with a mention of Halloween rocketed by 263% between 2009 and 2013, said Mintel.

Global launches of food and drink products with a Halloween theme grew by 194% in the five years to 2013.

‘Established on the retail calandar’

Mintel’s senior European retail analyst John Mercer confirmed UK consumers’ increased interest in Halloween products but warned this was tempered by cost cutting. “Halloween is firmly established on the retail calendar and continues to grow in importance, but it is an event marked by frugal shopping from consumers,” said Mercer.

“Average spend is low and confectionery is by far the most popular category to spend on. To grow the market, there is value in focusing on the demographics already clued up to the event – young adults and families – and nudging up their spending by encouraging small-ticket confectionery shoppers to trade up to non-food items.”

Alternatively, retailers could try to attract more consumers, such as older shoppers (including grandparents) and consumers without children, who are currently less likely to be spending, said Mercer.

Spooky purchasers

Last year nearly half (43%) of Brits bought products or services connected with Halloween, with younger shoppers the most enthusiastic spooky purchasers. Among young consumers, nearly two-thirds of 16-24s and more than half (55%) of those aged 25-34 made Halloween purchases.

More than a quarter (28%) of Brits bought trick-or-treat confectionery last year, while one in seven (14%) bought fancy dress. Also 9% bought special food or drink to have at home and 8% went out to a party or event.

Mintel’s research manager Chris Brockman said the timing of Halloween had helped the event become more popular. “Situated between the end of summer and the run-up to Christmas, Halloween offers consumers a reason to celebrate during a relative lull in the calendar year,” said Brockman.

“It appears that Halloween has evolved from being a largely child-focused holiday with a focus on trick-or-treating. Adults have now adopted it as a fully-fledged excuse to throw parties and dress up in ghoulish outfits.”

But it is suburban rather than rural areas where Halloween is becoming most popular. Nearly a third  (29%) of suburban consumers bought trick or treat confectionery for Halloween last year compared with one quarter in village or rural areas.

This year Halloween falls on Friday October 31.