ABP plans to construct a new retail meat packaging building to help improve the existing plant and will include a dry goods store, employee facilities and administration and staff offices.
The redevelopment of its Harlescott factory follows a £30M overhaul of its site at Hordely, Ellesmere.
Shropshire Council official Malcolm Price said that the comments received so far for the plans were positive.
“When it is completed it will be one of the most modern and efficient packing plants in Europe. All the equipment will be brand new, state-of-the-art,” said Price.
“The good thing about the company is all the meat that goes into the site comes from within 50 miles of Shrewsbury.
“This is a major investment for Shropshire. It is significant employment and economic investment.
“In 15 years of being a councillor I have never heard a complaint against ABP. They are a very professional and well-run company. They have a great reputation.”
The creation of the meat packaging building will generate a number of construction jobs.
Closed its Blackburn plant
ABP moved its operations to the Ellesmere site last year, after it closed its Blackburn manufacturing plant.
It employs 732 staff at the Battlefield Enterprise Park in Shrewsbury and more than 725 at Ellesmere.
Meanwhile, ABP director Seamus Banim said he was worried about the impact of Brexit on the supply of British cattle.
“The vast majority of cattle coming to ABP Shrewsbury is sourced from farms within a 50-mile radius and it is our hope that this supply of quality British cattle will not be impacted in a post Brexit non CAP era,” Banim told the Shropshire Star.