Precision portions from boneless poultry cutter

It has been designed for cutting boneless, non-frozen poultry products to fixed weight or uniform dimensions.

Marel says its dual-lane I-Cut 122 portion cutter combines high levels of accuracy, throughput and reliability with new, innovative software.

The portion cutter can handle 2,000 cuts a minute per lane. On each lane, the knife angle can be independently adjusted to 45°, 60°, 75° or 90°.

Different products and cutting patterns can be cut on each lane simultaneously.

What’s more, the I-Cut 122 can consistently supply fixed-weight product portions, while maximising the use of raw materials, minimising giveaway and increasing yield.

Its advanced vision control technology ensures accurate cutting results.

The I-Cut 122 is managed by Innova, Marel’s intelligent production control software platform.

Information is collected in real-time and stored in the Innova database, enabling users to optimise their portioning process.

Contact Marel for more information