In this video we explore the show floor and speak to some emerging producers displaying their wares at this year’s exhibition.
Flower & White co-founder and sales director Leanne Crowther told Food Manufacture the inspiration behind her business.
“We started creating meringues because we found the cake table and the dessert/snacking table was so beige and brown,” Crowther explained. “We wanted something that was low in calories, but really delivered on flavour and quality.”
‘Away from the crowd’
“We feel we’ve done something that nobody else does and really innovating with meringue by bringing a kitchen staple into convenience and on the go snacking. We wanted to do something away from the crowd as is really different.”
Vegan ready meal producer The Brook was on hand to promote its official launch, highlighting its restaurant credentials and goal at appealing to a wider audience.
“We realised with vegan dishes that there’s lots more out there on the market, but what we aim for is people that want to be flexitarians,” said Laura Hope. “It’s not necessarily that we want to be vegan all the time.”
Music: Your Call Kevin MacLeod (
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