Candy Kittens founders invest £750k in plastic-free gum

Plasitc-free chewing gunm firm Nuiud has recieved a £750k investment from the founders of Candy Kittens

Candy Kittens founders Jamie Laing and Ed Williams have invested £750k in plastic-free chewing gum brand Nuud.

Available nationwide through retailers Waitrose, Morrisons and the Co-op, Nuud is plant-based, plastic-free and biodegradable – instead of plastic they use sustainably harvested, chewy tree sap and natural ingredients.

Founder Keir Carnie took the brand onto BBC television show Dragons Den in an attempt to secure investment earlier this year, but was not successful in swaying the assembled Dragons to her cause.

‘Better than a dragon’

Commenting on Tuckshop London’s involvement, Carnie said: “I’m over the moon to have partnered with Ed and Jamie – and a Kitten is better than a Dragon any day. It’s such a huge opportunity to be able to learn from their success.

“This partnership will accelerate the growth of the business and our ability to solve the plastic gum problem for good.”

Laing and Williams have championed plant based and sustainable confectionery since the Candy Kittens launch in 2014. The duo were impressed with the strength of the Nuud brand and its campaigning ‘Chew Plants Not Plastic’ proposition, together with the quality of the product.

“Who knew that chewing gum contains as much plastic as a drinking straw?” said Williams. “Jamie and I were blown away with Keir and the business – a brand that is taking on one of the biggest environmental issues in confectionery, with a product that tastes and looks great.”

Investment firm

The investment is the first for Williams and Laing through their latest venture, Tuckshop London – an investment company founded alongside industry partner Katjes – created to support the next generation of food and drink entrepreneurs.

“We’ve learnt a lot in the last 10 years, and are proud to offer a helping hand to young brands on a mission to disrupt the ugly incumbents dominating this old fashioned industry,” Laing added.

Meanwhile, frozen potato processor McCain Foods has acquired a minority stake in Irish plant-based food firm Strong Roots in a deal worth $55m (£41.5m).