Food Safety

food testing

Local government budget cuts threaten public health

By Rick Pendrous

Swingeing cuts to local authority finances risk creating another serious foodborne disease outbreak on a par with the E.coli O157 incident in Wales in 2005, food safety experts have warned.

Safer food means better business

Safer food means better business

By Mark Rigby

As a consumer, caterer, chef and food developer, I have found the Food Standards Agency (FSA) to be a great source of clear and concise information that has helped me to make more informed choices and, more importantly, produce food safely. It has lived...

Retailers launch plan to stem campylobacter in poultry

Retailers launch plan to stem campylobacter in poultry

By Rick Pendrous

Retailers are behind a core part of the Food Standards Agency's (FSA's) latest five-year strategy of targeting the UK's biggest source of foodborne illness. They have come up with a plan to work with their suppliers to substantially reduce...


Wrigley, Tropicana, Kraft, sign up to new food safety scheme

By Elaine Watson

More than 70 food factories including the Wrigley plant in Tennessee, Tropicana factories in Fort Pierce and Bradenton, Kraft’s biscuit factory in Granollers, Spain, and DSM’s vitamins factory in Ayrshire, Scotland, have now gained certification under...

Caroline Spelman: FSA should remain independent

Caroline Spelman: FSA should remain independent

By Elaine Watson

Breaking up the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and shifting those parts responsible for food safety into the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) would be a mistake, according to DEFRA secretary of state Caroline Spelman.

IFST: Dismantling FSA would be

IFST: Dismantling FSA would be "huge loss" to industry

By Elaine Watson

Press reports suggesting that breaking up the Food Standards Agency (FSA) would constitute a ‘victory’ for the food industry are misleading and “very annoying”, according to the boss of the Institute of Food Science & Technology (IFST).

The future is bright in nanotongue

The future is bright in nanotongue

By Rick Pendrous

The use of nanotechnology in food packaging will take off in the UK over the next few years, including developments such as an electronic tongue, which allows the life stage of foods to be determined before consumption, experts have claimed.

EU preservative ban to hit organic meat

EU preservative ban to hit organic meat

By John Dunn

UK producers of organic bacon and cured meat products look set to be hit by a proposed EU ban on the use of sodium nitrite and potassium nitrate in organic foods. These preservatives are essential to traditional UK bacon.

Silo refurbishment blamed for Hovis glass recall

Silo refurbishment blamed for Hovis glass recall

By Elaine Watson

The "likely source" of the glass that has allegedly been found in selected Hovis Hearty Oats loaves has been identified as refurbishment work on a storage silo, brand owner Premier Foods has revealed.

Best-before dates 'overly conservative'

Manufacturers "too cautious” with best-before dates

By Elaine Watson

Food manufacturers are being “far too cautious” when it comes to setting best-before dates for many ambient food products, according to a leading academic in the field of sensory shelf-life testing.

Way of shelf-life

Way of shelf-life

Industry is challenging the 10-day shelf-life rule, reports John Dunn

How to measure the water content in pasta

How to measure the water content in pasta

By Food Manufacture

The water content of pasta can be determined by volumetric Karl Fischer titration, a technique that is commonly used in the analysis of food, pharmaceuticals and chemicals.

Watching the metal detectors

Watching the metal detectors

Speciality ingredients supplier and powder blend manufacturer Calleva has installed metal detection equipment from S+S Inspection as the final stage...

Silver lining for poultry cloud

Silver lining for poultry cloud

A recent trial has shown that protecting chicken crates with antimicrobial silver can help reduce the risk of Campylobacter cross-contamination...

Lab is no longer out on a LIM

Lab is no longer out on a LIM

The Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera), a UK-based government organisation, has implemented the Thermo Scientific Nautilus laboratory...

Life after melamine

Life after melamine

With confidence in Chinese food dented in the wake of the melamine scandal, will a new food safety law improve controls? asks Dominique Patton

Spray it again, Sam

Spray it again, Sam

By Rod Addy

Advances in cleaning processes are happening all the time, but minimising costs and being green remain core concerns, says Rod Addy

Stay in safe hands

Stay in safe hands

By Rick Pendrous

Money may be tight but steer clear of cutting corners in the area of food safety, as this could create a raft of new problems. Rick Pendrous reports

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