Archives for January 13, 2016

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Food Innovation conference: early bird ticket offer

By Michael Stones

The latest trends in food and drink innovation will take centre stage at the Food Manufacture’s one-day conference in London on Thursday 17 March and there’s still time to benefit from the early-bird ticket rate of £361 plus VAT per person.

Business interruption is the top business risk in 2016

By Rick Pendrous

Business interruption (BI) remains the biggest threat facing companies in 2016, with cyber-attacks, geo-political instability and technology failure new potential drivers of losses, according to the latest findings from insurance company Allianz.

Sugar reformulation: can the industry learn from salt?

By Paul Gander

Alongside the now-familiar call for a 20% tax on sugary soft drinks, the recent House of Commons Health Select Committee report on child obesity proposed other measures, including centrally-led reformulation in high-sugar food and drink.