Archives for October 3, 2016

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Grocery supply chain is set for roller coaster rise

By Rick Pendrous

Amazon looks set on making a major land grab for Britain's food and drink market. Having embarked on a raft of new initiatives, covering everything from a collaborative venture with Morrisons to moves into home food deliveries in London, the online...

Worker dies at fish factory

By Gwen Ridler

The death of a worker at Thistle Seafoods is currently under investigation by Police Scotland.

EU vegetable pickers detained at Irish border

By Matt Atherton

Eight workers were prevented from harvesting leeks in the Republic of Ireland for a Northern Ireland vegetable producer, after the Gardai Irish police detained them at a checkpoint.

PTF boss: ‘Uncertainty is the biggest challenge’

By Noli Dinkovski

The biggest challenge facing the UK in the wake of the Brexit vote is the level of uncertainty over what leaving Europe means, the new head of the Provision Trade Federation (PTF) has claimed.