All news articles for February 10, 2021

Heineken is cutting 8,000 jobs worldwide

Heineken cuts hit UK jobs

By Gwen Ridler

Heineken is to slash jobs across its UK operations, as part of a larger worldwide job cuts in the wake of COVID-19 disruption.

UK meat firms could move operations to the EU if export troubles continue

Meat processors trade in EU to bypass Brexit export woes

By Gwen Ridler

UK meat businesses are considering setting up an EU base to bypass export problems, as meat processors continue to struggle to ship product to the continent, the British Meat Processors Association (BMPA) claims.

Watch the Food Manufacture Excellence Awards live!

Food Manufacture Excellence Awards 2021

Watch the Food Manufacture Excellence Awards live!

By Rod Addy

Watch this space for the virtual screening of the Food Manufacture Excellence Awards, the winners announcement for which will kick off this afternoon at 5pm.

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