Food Safety

Dr Susan Jebb: ‘the food sector must do more to tackle obesity’

Food sector must do more to tackle obesity

By Rick Pendrous

More companies – food manufacturers and foodservice outlets – need to sign up to the government’s Public Health Responsibility Deal (PHRD) Food Network (FN), if the initiative is to make a real difference in helping to stem the rising tide of obesity...

China's watchdogs might finally get more teeth

Food safety

China's watchdogs might finally get more teeth

By RJ Whitehead

Sick of lurching from one food crisis to the next, it seems the Chinese authorities are planning to form one cohesive food safety unit based on America’s FDA model.

Loyd Grossman: ‘No noticeable change in the way hospital food is produced, prepared, cooked and served’

Celebrity chefs cook up hospital food waste protest

By Mike Stones

Celebrity chefs, including Loyd Grossman, Albert Roux and Heston Blumenthal, have backed  a report from pressure group Sustain, which warns the government has wasted more than £54M on failed schemes to improve hospital food.

Owen Paterson is to meet food industry leaders today to discuss consumer confidence in beef

DEFRA accused of ‘disembowelling’ FSA over horse meat

By Mike Stones

The blame game over who was responsible for the deepening horse meat crisis intensified over the weekend, as a former chief adviser accused the government of “disembowelling” the Food Standards Agency (FSA), while the boss of supermarket chain Iceland...

Sue Davies told the webinar consumers need user-friendly information

‘Involve consumers in food science earlier’

By Michael Stones

Food and drink manufacturers should involve consumers in the development of new scientific techniques and technologies at a much earlier stage, if past mistakes are to be avoided, according to consumer watchdog Which?

DNA sequencing has become more attractive as the price has fallen

Food industry identified as bioinformatics boom

By Gary Scattergood

The falling cost of DNA sequencing is leading more companies to invest in bioinformatic studies – which analyse genetic information – to aid research and development

Staff may break hygiene rules without realising

Culture shock

By Laurence Gibbons

Food industry hygiene culture is seriously awry, reports Laurence Gibbons

European food manufacturers' association FoodDrinkEurope has set out five principles for allergen management in its new report

Food manufacturers offered advice on allergen management

By Laurence Gibbons and Mike Stones

European manufacturers’ association FoodDrinkEurope (FDE) has urged food businesses to adopt allergen management systems that consider all operations − from raw materials sourcing and manufacturing to packaging of the finished product.

'Campylobacter is cleverer than we thought': food scientists

Campylobacter is smarter than we thought: scientists

By Laurence Gibbons

Campylobacter is smarter than scientists thought as it is able to alter its “swimming behaviour” inside human bodies to find food, according to new research by scientists at the Institute of Food Research (IFR).

This equipment was used to make the potentially fatal alcohol

Killer vodka manufacturers jailed

By Lorraine Mullaney

Three men have been jailed for manufacturing illegal and potentially fatal vodka using industrial alcohol that is normally used in antifreeze and cleaning fluids.

Burger King has dropped ABP Food Group has a meat supplier

Union urges horse meat tests as retailers drop burger supplier

By Mike Stones

Britain’s biggest union Unison has demanded more inspection and testing of horse meat to protect consumers yesterday (January 24), as Burger King dropped meat supplies from ABP Food Group and Waitrose suspended frozen burger sales sourced by a subsidiary...

Rat droppings and rotting food were found on the premises

Cakes recalled in emergency after rat infestation

By Lorraine Mullaney

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has issued an emergency recall after cakes and other sweet products labelled under the brands Cake Factory Outlet and Clearance Cake Excess were produced in a factory contaminated from rat infestation.

Horse meat contaminated with the drug phenylbutazone was sold into the food chain overseas, admitted the FSA

Drug contaminated horse meat WAS sold for food

By Mike Stones

Food safety watchdog the Food Standards Agency (FSA) has admitted that five horses which tested positive for the veterinary drug phenylbutazone – claimed by Labour to be a carcinogen – were exported to France for food last year.

Food Standards Agency chief scientist Dr Andrew Wadge will explain how regulatory frameworks can help to introduce clarity in the debate about controversial food technologies such GM

Free food science webinar: last chance to register

By Mike Stones

Time is running out to register for the free food science and technology webinar ‘Food fact and fiction, separating science from myth’ before its transmission tomorrow (January 24) at 11.00 GMT.

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland has refused to release the scientific report of its research on horse DNA in beef burgers

Doubts raised about DNA study of horse meat in burgers

By Lorraine Mullaney

Doubts have been raised about the validity of the DNA analysis that detected horse meat in burgers at Irish beef processing plants, as the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) refuses to release the scientific report of the findings.

Two new awards from the British Nutrition Foundation aim to benefit the science of nutrition

Nutrition science receives a financial boost

By Rick Pendrous

The science of nutrition is set to benefit from two new awards from the British Nutrition Foundation (BNF), which will support newly appointed lecturers and researchers and those demonstrating excellence in the communication of the subject.

Moving the debate about food science and technology onto a firmer scientific footing is the aim of our free webinar

IFST hopes webinar will help tackle food scares

By Mike Stones

Helping to combat food scares is one of the aims of the free food science and technology webinar to be staged on Thursday January 24, according to the Institute of Food Science & Technology (IFST).

Food sellers have a role to promote GM: DEFRA boss. GM will be one topic under review in our free food science and technology webinar to be staged on January 24. See article for details

Food sellers have role to promote GM: DEFRA boss

By Mike Stones

Food sellers can help dispel myths about genetic modification (GM), Owen Paterson, secretary of state at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, told the 0xford Farming Conference yesterday (January 3).

The Games were an Olympic success for food safety, said Wadge. See article for details of our free food science and technology webinar

Olympic effort creates food safety legacy

By Gary Scattergood

Innovative food safety techniques adopted during the Olympic and Paralympic Games have created a legacy for the industry, claims the Food Standard Agency's (FSA's) chief scientist Dr Andrew Wadge.

Many minor incidents are unreported

Stop the slide

By Paul Gander

With the Health and Safety Executive facing cuts to its budget, what will be the impact on the industry's safety record? Asks Paul Gander

The free webinar aims to move the debate about food science and technology onto a more secure footing

Food science and technology webinar separates fact from fiction

By Mike Stones

Separating food science from food fiction is the aim of a free live webinar to be staged on Thursday, January 24, 2013. has teamed up with the Institute of Food Science & Technology (IFST) to help move the debate about challenging...

Genes from Chinook salmon have been used to engineer the new, faster-growing fish

GM salmon step closer to US dinner plates

By Mike Stones

Genetically modified (GM) salmon moved a step closer to US, and possibly European, dinner plates last month with the publication of a favourable environmental assessment from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

To reserve your free place at the webinar, email

Free webinar: Food fact and fiction, separating science from myth

By Mike Stones

Separating food science from food fiction is the aim of a free live webinar to be staged on Thursday, January 24, 2013. If the general media’s coverage of food science and technology topics makes you mad, if you long for a more balanced debate about controversial...

Salmonella in UK eggs has been ‘effectively eradicated’ by the British Lion Scheme: BEIC

British Lion scheme helps ‘eradicate salmonella’ in eggs: report

By Laurence Gibbons

New research shows that the British Lion scheme has “effectively eradicated salmonella in UK eggs” and highlights the importance of buying eggs produced from birds that comply with EU rules, claims the British Egg Industry Council (BEIC).

GM meat is common in London restaurants, claimed Paterson. But top London eatery Simpsons-in-the-Strand denied serving GM meat

GM food row sparked by DEFRA minister’s support

By Mike Stones

The row about genetically modified (GM) food re-ignited this week after a government minister said there were “real environmental benefits” associated with the technology.

Food manufacturers say salt is a key ingredient in the cheese-making process

Salty cheese claims denied by dairy industry

By Mike Stones

The Dairy Council has denied claims from the pressure group Consensus Action on Salt and Health (CASH) that food manufacturers add too much salt to cheese.

EFSA rejected the Seralini GM Roundup cancer study

Food safety watchdog rejects GM Roundup cancer study

By Mike Stones

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has officially rejected controversial research linking Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup and genetically modified (GM) maize with cancer and premature death.

The food factory of the future is likely to employ fewer people

'Keep the factory safe: take the people out'

By Rick Pendrous

Food factories of the future should keep people away from the manufacturing environment to reduce the risk of contamination by pathogen transfer by humans, according to a leading hygiene expert.

Guilty as charged? You decide

Asda boss in PR gaffe: when radio interviews turn nasty

By Mike Stones

A BBC Radio 4 Today programme interview took an unexpected turn this week after an Asda public relations boss admitted to presenter James Naughtie that two out of three Asda checkouts were “guilty” of tempting mums to buy sweets for children.

Sainsbury's new traffic light system was launched by ceo Justin King

New hybrid system for food labelling – in quotes

By Mike Stones

The government’s plans to launch a hybrid front-of-pack labelling system will help consumers make more informed, healthier choices about food purchases, claims health minister Anna Soubry. But others believe the plan will damage the food industry. Here,...

Pregnant women should avoid the high levels of acrylamide sometimes found in chips, according to new research

Acrylamide may cause low birth weight: New research

By Mike Stones

New research has linked foods rich in acrylamide, such as chips, to a higher risk of low birth weight children, while levels of the chemical in chips are rising, according to a separate report the European food watchdog the European Food Safety Authority...

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