Scotch Whisky Industry

Scotch whisky must be protected after Brexit, the Scottish government warned

Scotch whisky ‘must be protected’ after Brexit

By Matt Atherton

The Scottish government has urged Scotch whisky to be protected after Brexit, after fears that a bilateral trade deal with the US would allow other parts of the world to produce it.

The Brexit clock will begin ticking after Article 50 is triggered today

Prioritise food, urges industry as Brexit triggered

By Michael Stones

The food and drink sector should receive priority in the forthcoming Brexit talks – which will begin after Article 50 is triggered today – urges a range of industry organisations.

Scotch whisky exports alone generate £4.2bn. Credit: Getty/Marko Jan

Whisky industry swigs bitter dregs of CAP reform

By Rod Addy

The Scotch Whisky industry is threatened by Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform measures that could restrict Scottish malted barley supplies to distillers, despite changes being hailed as a food security breakthrough.

Scottish whisky industry to be investigated

Scottish whisky industry to be investigated

By Hayley Brown

The Scottish Parliament Committee is looking to launch an inquiry into the Scotch whisky industry, following Diageo’s decision to axe hundreds of...


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