all starts in 
the kitchen

all starts in 
the kitchen

By Chris Lightfoot

As a great believer in giving consumers a mix of culinary pleasure and technology-led products, I am encouraged by the investments being made in the UK’s food manufacturing industry. 

Mrs Crimble's

Mrs Crimble's makes gluten-free waves across the pond

By Elaine Watson

Hampshire-based Stiletto Foods has made its first foray into the US market after striking a deal with natural foods giant Whole Foods Market that will see Mrs Crimble's free-from products listed in five of Whole Foods Market’s 11 regions in the US.

Co-op Group

Co-op and Somerfield ranges to align by end of September

By Elaine Watson

The alignment of Somerfield and Co-operative food ranges will be completed by the end of next month, 17 months after the £1.6bn merger was sealed and at least six months before the Somerfield store fascia disappears from the High Street.


M&S hits back as CASH blasts salt levels in its salads

By Elaine Watson

Surveys that compare salt levels in products of different weights targeted at different eating occasions and then single out individual firms for criticism are unfair and unhelpful, Marks & Spencer has argued.

Andy Clarke

The boss was right. Asda’s Extra Special range is not that special

By Elaine Watson

Asda boss Andy Clarke’s recent ‘Gerald Ratner’ moment simply reflects what any product developer working with the supermarkets will tell you in private, that the retailer’s own-label range does not stack up against the competition in the quality stakes.

Naan so bold

Naan so bold

Honeytop Speciality Foods is storming the tortilla market and continues to champion innovation in products and processes, as Rod Addy discovers

Omega-3 chews on horizon

Omega-3 chews on horizon

By Rod Addy

Oxford Nutrascience is launching cranberry and omega-3 fortified chews in September, having already produced calcium fortified chews under its Ellactiva brand.

Research promises new dawn for low-fat food

Research promises new dawn for low-fat food

By Lorraine Mullaney

The appointment of Dr Hans Tromp as professor of Colloid Chemistry at Utrecht University promises new technological solutions for low-fat food products, according to food research firm Nizo.

Peppersmith co-founders Mike Stevens and Dan Shrimpton

By gum, I think they've got it!

Ben & Jerry, Green & Black, and, er, Mike & Dan? If Peppersmith gum co-founders Mike Stevens and Dan Shrimpton are not quite household names just yet, give it a few years and they might just turn out to be one of grocery’s more interesting...

FM survey: Has the recession permanently changed spending habits?

FM survey: Has the recession permanently changed spending habits?

By Elaine Watson

With the economy still emerging from recession and many firms keeping a tight rein on spending, it should come as no surprise that blue sky new product development (NPD) is not top of the agenda at many food retailers, according to food manufacturers...

CASH: Food industry

CASH: Food industry "lied again and again" on salt

By Elaine Watson

The food industry has significantly overplayed the technical role that salt plays in processed foods in order to avoid the "nuisance and expense" of reformulation work and fend off the health lobby, the chairman of salt reduction charity CASH...

The two

The two

By Professor Jeya Henry

Over 50 years ago, Charles Percy Snow CP Snow the acclaimed scientist and novelist, presented his Rede lecture at the University of Cambridge titled 'The two cultures'.

Report: Baby boomers in urgent need of brain food

Report: Baby boomers in urgent need of brain food

By Elaine Watson

The market for products designed to keep our grey matter ticking over as we get older remains ripe for exploitation by food manufacturers, provided they can find a way to communicate their benefits without falling foul of health claims legislation, according...

Can’t get no satisfaction?

Can’t get no satisfaction?

By Elaine Watson

Satiety might still be top of the pops on the conference circuit, but is it losing its lustre for food manufacturers?

National Trust brand to extend to soups, chutney

National Trust brand to extend to soups, chutney

By Elaine Watson

The National Trust is discussing contract manufacturing deals with firms making everything from chutney to soup as part of an ambitious plan to get its branded products into every major UK supermarket.

Fledgling sauce maker builds innovative brand based on blueberries

Fledgling sauce maker builds innovative brand based on blueberries

By Elaine Watson

A fledgling food manufacturing business created by an accountant, a geophysicist and a priest is targeting independent retailers, delis, farm shops and supermarkets with an unusual range of products based on British herbs, Asian spices and blueberries...

Mars: Choose evolution (not revolution) for NPD

Mars: Choose evolution (not revolution) for NPD

By Elaine Watson

Game-changing innovation is not – and should not – be the top priority for every new product development team, especially in the current economic climate, according to the boss of one of the nation’s biggest brands.

Food industry baffled by NICE salt guidance

Food industry baffled by NICE salt guidance

By Elaine Watson

An assertion in new guidance from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) that firms making progressive reductions in salt can simply carry on indefinitely without any technical or commercial consequences has baffled industry...

Mintel: Natural and clean-label trend still driving NPD

Mintel: Natural and clean-label trend still driving NPD

By Elaine Watson

While shoppers’ enthusiasm for low-fat, low-sugar or low-calorie claims (‘minus’ claims) or added functional ingredients claims (‘plus’ claims) has waned; their interest in natural claims has continued to grow, according to Mintel.

100% natural (and absolutely no 'hairy chemicals'...)


100% natural (and absolutely no 'hairy chemicals'...)

Consumers, observed Mintel’s David Jago at a Leatherhead Food Research conference on natural trends last week, want foods that are ‘wholesome’, ‘authentic’, and above all ‘natural’, although few of them can articulate what this actually means.

Kew Gardens: The next superfruit could be in your back garden

Kew Gardens: The next superfruit could be in your back garden

By Elaine Watson

Plants native to the British Isles from wild raspberries and elderflowers to seaweed could prove just as exciting to food developers as the exotic flora and fauna of South America and Africa, according to experts at Kew Gardens.

Ethnic breadmaker invests 
in tortillas and pancakes

Ethnic breadmaker invests 
in tortillas and pancakes

By Hayley Brown

Ethnic breadmaker Honeytop Speciality Foods has moved into the morning goods sector after making a major investment in its Dunstable factory. This has resulted in some "exciting new product launches", according to Honeytop's new product...

Celebrity Bakewell Tart

Celebrity Bakewell Tart

Gaudins Patisserie has manufactured celebrity chef Shaun Rankin's new Bakewell Tart. The tart is the second in the range, following the launch of Rankin's Treacle Tart the dessert that was described as "high art" when he made it on...

Bio and luxury lead UK yogurt market

Bio and luxury lead UK yogurt market

By Lorraine Heller

The UK market for yogurt products has seen a modest growth over the past year, led by strong sales of bio and luxury products, according to the latest market data.

Breakfast club

Breakfast club

By Anne Bruce

When it comes to media whipping boys, the breakfast cereals sector is up there with Gordon Brown and speed cameras.

Chew the fats

Chew the fats

When it comes to reformulating products, the gap between big and small presents formidable challenges, says Rick Pendrous

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