Food Safety

A new test can identify the validity of buffalo mozzarella

Mozzarella fraud laid bare by test

By Noli Dinkovski

Two-thirds of supermarket pizzas, restaurant pizzas and other restaurant dishes labelled as containing buffalo mozzarella have been shown to contain mozzarella made wholly or partially from cows’ milk, after a test was developed to distinguish between...

An allergic reaction to the unlabelled egg found in Nevis Bakery's biscuits cost the firm more than £6k

Food safety breach costs baker £6k

By Gwen Ridler

Scotland-based Nevis Bakery has been fined £6,000 for food safety breaches, after a boy in Northern Ireland nearly died from an allergic reaction after consuming one of its products.

The FSA and FSS held a review of meat cutting plants and cold stores following a spate of non-compliance issues

Cutting plant review update pending

By Aidan Fortune

An update on the progress made on the recommendations set out in the Food Standards Agency’s (FSA’s) and Food Standards Scotland’s (FSS’) meat cutting plant and cold store review is expected imminently.

Dunbia was handed a record fine for non-compliance of TSE regulations at its Preston site (stock image)

Dunbia given £266,000 fine by FSA

By Aidan Fortune

Red meat processor Dunbia has been fined more than £266,000 by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) for the failure to remove parts of the animal designated specified risk materials.

The FSA's guidance on the shelf-life of meat products has been questioned by BMPA and MLA research

Shelf-life guidance comes under fire

By Aidan Fortune

Research into the shelf-life of meat products has found that the ’10-day rule’ may no longer be appropriate for the industry.

Warnings have been issued to Government over a lack of clarity surrounding Brexit

Meat industry issues Brexit warnings

By Aidan Fortune

The British Poultry Council (BPC) has called on the Government to ensure that the population continues to have access to quality food once the UK leaves the EU.

Guidance over raw milk production was discussed by Food Standards Scotland, Scottish Food Enforcement Liaison Committee and Specialist Cheesemaker’s Association

Food bodies meet over raw milk guidance

By Aidan Fortune

Food Standards Scotland (FSS) and the Scottish Food Enforcement Liaison Committee (SFELC) recently met with the Specialist Cheesemaker’s Association (SCA) to discuss the concerns over guidance for the production of cheese made from raw, or unpasteurised,...

The UK and the US are currently at odds over differing food standards including poultry production

US-UK food standards war breaks out

By Aidan Fortune

The Government has been warned against a “race to the bottom” in food standards, following the US ambassador’s suggestion that the UK embrace practices such as chlorine-washed chicken.

Digital technology has a low adoption rate in manufacturers' food safety

Technology downplayed in food safety

By Gwen Ridler

Less than one-in-ten (8%) manufacturers see new digital technology as playing a major role in their food safety schemes, according to a new report by certification body DNV GL.

Food Standards Scotland has issued a Public Information Statement on the dangers of STEC in food

FSS issues STEC food safety advice

By Aidan Fortune

Food Standards Scotland (FSS) has issued a Public Information Statement to make clear its position regarding the presence of a group of harmful E.coli bacteria called STEC in food.

More than 90% of UK eggs are now produced to British Lion standards

Food fraud fine ‘not fit for purpose’: BEIC

By Noli Dinkovski

Food fraud should be subjected to stronger deterrents after a Dutch trader, convicted of fraudulently selling contaminated eggs as fit for human consumption, was fined €30,000 (£26,260), the British Egg Industry Council (BEIC) has argued.

Fapas has launched new food proficiency tests for E.coli O157 and campylobacter

New Fapas proficiency tests for labs

By Noli Dinkovski

The risks to public health from listeria, E.coli O157 and campylobacter are the focus of a new range of food microbiology proficiency tests from Fapas.

A relaxation of modified atmosphere-packed foods legislation has been urged by the industry

Call for FSA to relax MAP guidance

By Rick Pendrous

Food safety experts have called for a relaxation of guidance governing the controls on vacuum and modified atmosphere-packed (MAP) chilled foods, which has been claimed to place UK manufacturers at a distinct disadvantage compared with overseas competitors.

The FSA’s Brexit preparations are entering a critical phase

FSA boss Feeney to retire in summer

By Noli Dinkovski

The Food Standards Agency’s (FSA’s) chief executive Jason Feeney has announced he is to retire from the department this summer.

PASS urged manufacturers to provide correct cooking instructions on their products

Get cooking instructions right: PASS

By Noli Dinkovski

Food manufacturers have been urged to ensure they are providing correct cooking instructions on products after a testing services company revealed many were falling short of food safety guidelines.

Concerns over food allergens have reached a new high following two Pret-linked fatalities

In depth: clean-label

The Pret effect takes hold

By Lynda Searby

With allergens increasingly in the spotlight, the Government is to review allergen labelling policy, leaving manufacturers under pressure to comply with more stringent legislation and meet the demands of an increasingly cautious public.

Mislabelling accounted for 1,741 (19%) of the 9,148 failed food standards tests in Scotland since 2013

Better food labelling urged by Scots MSP

By Noli Dinkovski

A Scottish MSP has called for tougher labelling legislation after a freedom of information request found almost one-in-five failed food standards tests in the country were down to mislabelling.

Of the 568 samples of lettuce examined, 30 were shown to be norovirus-positive

Deadly norovirus found in one-in-20 lettuces

By Noli Dinkovski

More than one-in-20 lettuces sold in the UK are contaminated with the potentially deadly bug norovirus, a major study funded by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) has found.

The new global standard put responsibility on senior management to identify risk

Mondelēz welcomes global safety revamp

By Rick Pendrous

A new global standard in food safety management, which puts responsibility on senior management to identify the level of risk they are prepared to take, has been welcomed by Mondelēz International’s head of food safety.

Premium Halal Meat & Poultry has recalled some of its produce due to approval issues


Premium Halal Meat & Poultry issues recall

By Aidan Fortune

Birmingham-based Premium Halal Meat & Poultry has recalled some of its Direct Poultry Products because they have been produced without approval.

MPs have urged the government to preserve standards on imports after Brexit

EFRA committee calls for food standards reassurance

By Gwen Ridler

The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (EFRA) Committee has called on the Government to “put its money where its mouth is” and ensure imported food products are held to current British standards as part of any post-Brexit trade deal.

A subtype of E. coli could be the reason why human infection rates are three times higher in Scotland

Potential cause of Scottish E.coli problem identified

By Gwen Ridler

A subtype of E.coli found in Scottish cows could be behind rates of human infection by the bacteria being three times higher in Scotland than in England or Wales, a cross-organisation investigation has claimed.

Kubo: 'There is no ‘one size fits all’ solution to this problem'


The challenges faced with allergen labelling

By Mariko Kubo

The recent public inquiry into the tragic death of a teenage girl, following a severe allergic reaction to sesame seeds, consumed in a takeaway sandwich, has served to highlight how safety-critical the provision of accurate allergen information is for...

We round up the latest food and drink safety new

Food and drink safety news round-up

By Gwen Ridler

From a senior hire at research firm Campden BRI to a new system to detect fraud, we round up some of the latest developments in food and drink safety.

British Lion Eggs repeated calls for the EU to raise egg processing safety standards

News in brief

British Lion urges greater egg safety

By Noli Dinkovski

Egg accreditation body British Lion has renewed its call for the EU to raise egg processing safety standards across Europe after liquid egg whites produced in France, and available in the UK, were recalled due to salmonella.

Support for a change in on-pack labelling laws is on the rise

Pret allergen death sparks new law calls

By Noli Dinkovski

A change in on-pack labelling laws is gathering support following the death of a 15-year-old who ate a product containing an undeclared allergen bought from a Pret A Manager outlet.

Heineken's new multipacking system can only succeed by communicating with consumers

Explanation key to Snap Pack success

By Paul Gander

Consumer communications at the point-of-sale will be essential to the success of Snap Pack, the new glue-based multipacking system for cans of Carlsberg beer, the brewer has claimed.

Labelling errors sparked many of the recalls this week

Labelling errors cause recalls

By Michelle Perrett

Numerous recalls involving labelling errors were announced by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) this week, sparked by poorly labelled allergens and wrong use-by dates.

Richard Leathers of Campden BRI sees the same non-conformances in HACCP plans on a regular basis


Avoiding common HACCP pitfalls

By Richard Leathers

Campden BRI's food safety management systems services lead Richard Leathers discusses the main reason for non-conformances in HACCP plans.

For food and drink firms, BRC8 will mean greater scrutiny than ever before


Why there’s a culture shift on the horizon

By Alyson Magee

The latest update to the BRC Global Standard for Food Safety will move the goalposts in terms of food and drink hygiene with companies under even greater scrutiny.

Digitalisation is the only way to meet food compliance, claims Systems Integration

Digitalisation needed to meet new safety standards

By Gwen Ridler

Digitalisation of the quality assurance (QA) process is the only way food and drink firms will be able to achieve compliance with the new British Retail Consortium (BRC) Global Standards for Food Safety, the head of a food compliance software provider...

The FSA has reported a drop in formal enforcement actions

FSA reports drop in food law enforcement actions

By Gwen Ridler

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has reported a drop in formal enforcement actions across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, while the number of written warnings to food firms has increased.

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