Food Safety

IDF suggested a system of treating mastitis in cows to reduce antimicrobial resistance

IDF combats antimicrobial resistance in dairy

By Gwen Ridler

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the dairy industry could be combated by changing the way bovine mastitis was treated, according to research by the International Dairy Federation (IDF).

Acrylamide is a suspected carcinogen that forms in foods with reducing sugar

Consumers ‘largely unaware’ of acrylamide: report

By Noli Dinkovski

Just 12% of consumers in the UK, the US and France are aware of acrylamide – but many who are expect manufacturers to take responsibility for reducing levels in food, a survey by ingredients firm DSM has found.

Rod Addy: ‘This would not have presented an issue if the products had been properly cooked’


Frozen veg recall has some salutary lessons

By Rod Addy

I have been following avidly the latest developments in the Europe-wide recall of frozen vegetable products linked to the outbreak of listeria that has made 47 people ill and killed nine of those, as much from the point of view of a concerned consumer...

Budweiser is made at the AB InBev-owned brewery near Preston

GMB confirms strike action at Budweiser brewery

By Noli Dinkovski

Workers at a Budweiser brewery in Lancashire have voted in favour of strike action after a union claimed a colleague was sacked for raising health and safety concerns.

More than half of consumers responding to the survey said they were worried about the sugar content of foods

Food Standards Agency survey highlights sugar fears

By Rod Addy

Concern about sugar content in food is increasing among consumers, according to the results of the latest biannual Food Standards Agency (FSA) Public Standards Tracker survey, which have just been published.

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control has linked cucumbers in prepared meals to a recent outbreak of salmonella

Salmonella outbreak linked to ready-to-eat cucumber

By Gwen Ridler

A recent outbreak of salmonella in the UK and Europe that has made 147 people ill has been linked to ready-to-eat meals containing cucumber, according to European health officials.

An EFRA Committee visited 2 Sisters' Site D

EFRA Committee ‘satisfied’ with 2 Sisters’ progress

By Aidan Fortune

The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee (EFRA) Committee has expressed “satisfaction” that 2 Sisters Food Group has delivered on all of the food safety commitments set out by Ranjit Singh Boparan.

The livestock traceability scheme has taken a step forward

AHDB and Defra collaborate on livestock traceability service

By Aidan Fortune

The Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) and the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) have signed an agreement to develop a new multi-species livestock traceability service for England.

The food industry has its say on safety concerns


Food Safety Survey 2018: the results

By Aidan Fortune

British food and drink is being held to account by regulatory bodies and the public more than ever before. Are businesses taking food safety as seriously as everyone else?

The Europe-wide listeria outbreak has so far killed nine people and affected a further 38

Greenyard Frozen UK hit by listeria recall

By Rod Addy

Greenyard Frozen UK has recalled frozen vegetables it supplies to top grocery retail chains, claiming they might be contaminated with listeria amid a wider international incident that has snowballed in the past few months.

This year's Food Safety Conference covered a variety of topics across the supply chain

Food Safety Conference round-up

By Aidan Fortune

This year's Food Safety Conference examined the Food Standards Agency's update on its Regulating Our Future Programme and how businesses need to focus more on allergens.

The benefits of blockchain were debated at this year's Food Safety Conference

Blockchain usage debate rages on

By Aidan Fortune

Debates over the blockchain process and its perceived use in preventing fraud in the food industry continued to be debated at the Food Safety Conference in Birmingham.

The Food Standards Agency's Andy Morling outlined the Food Crime Unit's objectives

Food Crime Unit to step up activity

By Aidan Fortune

Head of the Food Standards Agency (FSA) National Food Crime Unit (NFCU) Andy Morling said it was time to view food crime through a “criminal lens” rather than seeing it as simply a product issue.

Transpose EU regulations into UK law to avoid a vacuum, warns Bings

Transpose EU regulations before time runs out

By Gwen Ridler

EU regulations on food and drink should be transposed into UK law before the end of the Brexit transitional period, in order to avoid a regulatory vacuum, according to an expert in food law.

The original source of Listeria contamination had survived cleaning and disinfection procedures

Frozen sweetcorn listeria warning

By Rod Addy

Consumers have been warned to cook frozen vegetables thoroughly following a Europe-wide outbreak of listeriosis that has been linked to frozen sweetcorn.

Opportunities to innovate may present themselves post-Brexit, said Bassett

Opportunity for innovation post-Brexit

By Gwen Ridler

Brexit offers unparalleled innovation opportunities for the UK food and drink industry, so long as firms are prepared for regulatory changes, according to a leading food science expert.

Collaboration is key to prevent food fraud, said Andy Morling

Collaboration needed to tackle food fraud

By Gwen Ridler

The head of the Food Standards Agency’s (FSA’s) National Food Crime Unit has renewed calls for collaboration between the organisation and manufacturers, to help prevent food fraud.

The BVA has warned that vet shortages could lead to food fraud incidents

Vet shortage could lead to food fraud: BVA

By Aidan Fortune

The British Veterinary Association (BVA) has criticised Michael Gove for his statements regarding non-British vets, and warned that personnel shortages in the industry could lead to more incidents of food fraud.

Sick’s TriSpector 3D vision sensor


Food detection systems key to boosting efficiency

By Michelle Perrett

With increasingly speedy production lines for food and drink, the need for an efficient and accurate contaminant detection system is critical, as product recalls can prove costly on more than one front.

Tesco's decision to remove best before dates has been heavily praised

Tesco waste initiative sets benchmark

By Gwen Ridler

Tesco’s decision to remove best-before dates from select fruit and vegetable lines will be a benchmark that all other supermarkets will follow, according to an industry expert.

On average 3.8% of chilled raw whole birds sold in major supermarkets and discount chains tested positive for the highest levels of infection from January to March

Morrisons has upper hand in chicken bug war

By Rod Addy

Morrisons has the upper hand in the war against campylobacter, with none of its shop-bought chickens testing positive for the highest levels of contamination of the food poisoning pathogen in the latest quarterly figures.

Another major fipronil incident has been reported in Germany, with eggs originating from the Netherlands

FSA: no evidence of fipronil eggs in UK

By Michelle Perrett

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has claimed there is no evidence to suggest eggs affected by the latest fipronil scare have been distributed in the UK.

AMP usage in microflora


How AMP can monitor changes in microflora

By Dr Greg Jones

Dr Greg Jones, microbiologist at Campden BRI, puts forward the idea of using advanced microbial profiling (AMP) in the microflora sector.

The Local Government Association has called for continued access to the EU's food safety systems

LGA: retain access to EU health system

By Gwen Ridler

Failure to access Europe-wide food safety and animal health systems post-Brexit could weaken local councils’ ability to protect public health and increase the risk of a new food scandal.

The FSA is ‘confident’ a full-time presence in all 2 Sisters sites is no longer needed

2 Sisters emergency measures removed

By Aidan Fortune

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has removed the emergency measures of full-time presence in all 2 Sisters Food Group standalone poultry sites.

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