Supply Chain

ACS&T has posted profit growth for the third consecutive year

Food distribution firm posts £1.1M profit

By Laurence Gibbons

Food distribution firm ACS&T has secured £1.1M profit growth for the year ending December 31 2013, attributing this to its commitment to customer service, investment and increased staff training.

Research by small farm businesses could help boost crop yields

Farmer-led R&D crucial for sustainable food supply

By Rod Addy

Global agricultural yields are dropping and more farmer-focused research is urgently needed to strengthen sustainable food supply, according to an article published in Nature magazine.

Pressure to cut costs has created opportunities for food fraud, said Waitrose technical director David Croft

Uncertainty remains on policing food fraud

By Rick Pendrous

Market intelligence should be used far more to detect food fraud, following the lessons learned from last year’s horsemeat contamination scandal, but the question of who pays for it remains unclear, the head of technical services at Waitrose has claimed.

UK dairy industry must prepare to meet global demands, says Dairy UK chief executive Dr Judith Bryans

Dairy needs one message from government to grow

By Nicholas Robinson

Government must deliver one clear message on dairy if the sector is to contribute significantly to global demand for dairy products and compete with other nations, warned Dairy UK chief executive Judith Bryans.

Bread is being used as a loss-leader by the supermarkets

Bread will fare better than milk in price wars

By Nicholas Robinson

The bread supply chain will not be affected by the supermarket price wars in the same way as milk, the Federation of Bakers’ director Gordon Polson has said.

House flies are already being used as a feedstock for aquaculture by a South African company

Food Vision

Insect feedstock for pigs, chicken and fish production

By Rick Pendrous

Protein from insects is expected to be approved by the EU for use as feed for pigs and chickens over the next six months, according to a leading expert and advisor on edible insects to the United Nations’ Food & Agriculture Organisation.

Keep up-to-date with the latest news from the $500bn global animal feed industry by subscribing to the new website

Animal feed industry gets new website

By Jane Byrne

A new website has been launched to supply independent breaking news on the global animal feed industry, valued at $500bn last year.

Taplin predicts more logistic partnerships will be formed by retailers

Distribution partnerships a growing trend

By Laurence Gibbons

Distribution partnerships where retailers and food manufacturers share truck space with competitors will become a growing trend, predicts Roly Taplin, vice president of agrifood at DHL Supply Chain.

The food supply chain needs to boost efficiencies ahead of the prospect of a retail price war

Boost supply chain efficiencies to beat retail price war

By Laurence Gibbons

The prospect of a supermarket price war – leading to lower supplier prices – makes it even more important to boost food and drink supply chain efficiencies, according to the European Food and Farming Partnerships (EFFP).

BP Retail was named as one of Iceland's potential distribution partners

Iceland to share transport with another retailer

By Rick Pendrous

Food retailer Iceland is expected later this year to start sharing spare capacity on its trucks with another independent retailer. The move follows the success of a similar ‘backhauling’ arrangement between BP Retail and Nisa and their suppliers facilitated...

Ocado's business model will not work, claimed Shore Capital analysts

Ocado ‘doesn’t deliver earnings’: City analyst

By Michael Stones

Online grocery business Ocado “doesn’t work” when measured by its ability to deliver earnings, City analyst Shore Capital has concluded, after the business delivered its interim business statement for the 12 weeks to February 23.

Generating and selling low-carbon energy to retailers could become an important revenue stream for food manufacturers and farmers

Food suppliers could bust energy monopoly of ‘big six’

By Rick Pendrous

Britain’s food and drink manufacturers are missing out on potential new revenue streams now available through generating and selling low-carbon energy to retailers, alongside more traditional groceries, according to a leading environmental consultancy.

‘Could do more’, was the NFU’s assessment, one year on, of Tesco’s pledge to bring meat home

Tesco slammed for not buying enough British beef

By Michael Stones

Britain’s biggest retailer is not doing enough to support UK farming by honouring its pledge to buy more British meat – particularly fresh beef, says the National Farmers Union (NFU).

Tesco's plan will benefit suppliers and customers, said Paul Wilkinson, a member of the retailer's supply chain advisory panel

Tesco’s Trading Responsibly plan ‘will benefit suppliers’

By Michael Stones

Tesco’s new Trading Responsibly plan will improve both the way it works with suppliers and customer service, says Paul Wilkinson, chair of Thorntons and a member of the retail giant’s new independent supply chain advisory panel.

Harsh and unseasonable weather could slash crop and animal product yields

Weather now biggest threat to food security

By Rod Addy

Extreme weather poses the biggest threat to securing UK food supplies, experts at an Environment Food & Rural Affairs (EFRA) Select Committee hearing claimed.

David Cameron's £10M relief fund followed widespread criticism the government wasn't doing enough

PM's £10M relief fund to protect food supplies

By Nicholas Robinson

David Cameron’s £10M relief fund for flood-struck farmers will help avert the risk of disruption to food supplies, claimed the government, after widespread criticism it was not doing enough to safeguard food supplies.

A supply chain cannot be run from an office, according to Adams

Site visits fundamental to securing growth: CCE boss

By Nicholas Robinson

Steve Adams is a sensation at Coca-Cola Enterprises (CCE). A former electrical apprentice, he rose to become CCE group director of supply chain operations for Great Britain in April last year, following a four-year stint as operations director at the...

The 10 city roll-out is a Love Food Hate Waste initiative

10 city roll-out for food waste campaign

By Rod Addy

A food waste crackdown is extending to 10 cities after a successful west London initiative, delegates heard at a Fresher for Longer conference in London held on February 5.

The Love Food Hate Waste campaign claims to have achieved a 21% reduction in avoidable food waste since 2007

Food waste progress flagging, says WRAP chief

By Rod Addy

Progress on food waste reduction is flagging and the food and drink industry must “raise its game”, according to Dr Liz Goodwin, ceo of Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP).

2 Sisters Food Group faces £500k+ bill after flood

Weather damage costs 2 Sisters £500k+

By Rod Addy

2 Sisters Food Group faces repairs costing more than £500,000 after a freak tidal surge swamped poultry farms in Lincolnshire in December last year.

FSA adds clarity to rules on the sale of raw milk

FSA forced to add clarity on raw milk rules

By Nicholas Robinson

Confusion about the route to sale of raw milk has forced the Food Standards Agency (FSA) to add clarity on where unpasteurised products can be sold.

Joseph Heler failed to advise employees on how they should load lorries, said the HSE

Cheese firm fined £8k for forklift fall

By Michael Stones

A cheese manufacturer has been fined £8,000 for safety failings after a worker injured his leg and ankle after falling from the forks of a forklift truck.

BPEX said the pig price sample would remain representative, even without Cranswick

Pig price system suffers blow from Cranswick

By Nicholas Robinson

Cranswick’s decision to pull out of the Dead Weight Average Pig Price (DAPP) could mean complete “disarray” for pig prices, industry bosses have warned.

McDonald's aims to develop practices to help farmers meet sustainable beef farming principles

Fast food giant seeks to beef up farming practices

By Rod Addy

McDonald’s has stressed its commitment to sustainable beef supply standards and practices a year after the horsemeat affair began, claiming it aims to strengthen industry farming practices.

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