Meat, Poultry & Seafood

Rebuilding trust in the integrity of the food supply chain after the horsemeat crisis will be a hot topic at Food Manufacture’s Business Leaders’ Forum

Business Leaders’ Forum to set out the challenges

By Michael Stones

Top food manufacturing executives will set out the challenges, and some of the solutions, for the year ahead at Food Manufacture’s Business Leaders’ Forum next month, according to its chairman Paul Wilkinson.

Food and farming minister George Eustice (right) presents this year's David Black Award to Pete Brown

Pig producers call for help to supply China

By Rick Pendrous

Pig producers have called on government for more support to assist growing exports to China. They also want it to resist mounting calls to lift the pig swill ban, fearing this could leave the sector open to exotic new diseases.

The food industry welcomed the Elliott Review – each group, not surprisingly, highlighting its own area of vested interest

Food industry welcomes Elliott Review on horsemeat

By Michael Stones

Food industry groups have welcomed the recommendations of the Elliott Review – each stressing their own particular field of interest – but all highlighting the vote of confidence expressed by the report’s author.

The FSA should be strengthened to combat food fraud more effectively, said Professor Chris Elliott

Stronger Food Standards Agency needed to beat fraud

By Michael Stones

A stronger Food Standards Agency (FSA) – equipped with responsibility for food compositional labelling – is a key recommendation of the interim Elliott Review, commissioned by the government to investigate the supply chain after the horsemeat crisis.

A new Food Crime Unit to tackle food fraud was a key recommendation of the Elliott Review

Breaking News

New Food Crime Unit recommended after horsemeat

By Michael Stones

A new Food Crime Unit should be set up to combat food fraud following the horsemeat crisis, recommends the government-commissioned Elliott Review.

Supermarkets are selling more British pork after the horsemeat crisis

Supermarkets buy more British pork after horsegate

By Michael Stones

Supermarkets have boosted their purchases of British-farmed pork, ham and sausages since the horsemeat scandal, reveals new research from the English pig industry levy board BPEX.

Cleveland Meat Company was found guilty on 12 charges and entered a guilty plea on a 13th charge

BSE breaches prompt fines for meat firm

By Rod Addy

Cleveland Meat Company faces £27,000 in fines and legal costs after being found guilty of breaching food safety rules limiting the risk of consumers’ exposure to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).

Meat processors want TSE rules on sheep to be amended

'Change outdated laws designed for the BSE era'

By Rick Pendrous

Primary meat processors have called for the government to change what they consider to be “outdated regulations from the BSE era”, which apply to sheep but were originally intended to prevent people contracting diseases associated with “mad cows”.

The Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group collected the title Meat, poultry and seafood manufacturing company of the year at the food and drink manufacturing Oscars

Food manufacturing excellence awards

Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group wins food manufacturing Oscar

By Michael Stones

The Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group (SSMG) has won the coveted title Meat, poultry and seafood manufacturing company of the year in the industry Oscars – Food Manufacture’s Food Manufacturing Excellence Awards (FMEAs), at the London Park Lane Hilton...

Youtube suprise hit - a day in the life of a fish box

Film: a day in the life of a fish box

A film showing ‘A day in the life of a fish box’ – from port to plate – has proved a surprise hit on YouTube, according to its producers, the British Plastics Federation (BPF).

Hilton's new partnership with Tesco was predicted to boost sales volumes by 40% in the first full year

Tesco signs multi-million pound deal with Hilton

By Michael Stones

Tesco has signed a multi-million pound deal with specialist meat packing business Hilton Food Group to boost the supply of packed fresh meat products in the UK from its plant near Huntingdon.

Urgent action is needed to tackle 'super-shedding' cattle and sheep to combat the risk of E.Coli O157, said Professor Hugh Pennington

Tackle E.coli ‘super-shedding’ cattle and sheep: Pennington

By Rick Pendrous

Action is urgently required to address the problem of “super-shedding” cattle and sheep, which are responsible for the majority of contamination of the dangerous foodborne and environmental pathogen Escherichia coli O157 (E.Coli O157), said leading microbiologist...

The Food manufacturing excellence awards were attended by hundreds of industry professionals

Food manufacturing excellence awards

Food manufacturing excellence awards 2013 – video highlights

By Laurence Gibbons

Hundreds of food and drink industry professionals gathered at the Park Lane Hilton, in London to celebrate the 13th annual Food manufacturing excellence awards, last week (November 21).

Health officials have reassured consumers about the 'very low risk' associated with the discovery of the bacteria MRSA on a East Anglian poultry farm

Food safety watchdog reassures on MRSA meat risk

By Michael Stones

The food safety watchdog the Food Standards Agency (FSA) has reassured consumers about the “very low risk”, after the first case of the bacteria MRSA was discovered in turkey and chickens on an East Anglian farm.

Pork Farms won, not one but two, Food Manufacturing Excellence Awards – the Oscars of the food and drink manufacturing industry

Food Manufacturing Excellence Awards

Pork Farms wins two food manufacturing Oscars

By Michael Stones

Pork Farms has won, not one, but two coveted titles in the industry Oscars – Food Manufacture’s Food Manufacturing Excellence Awards (FMEAs), at the London Park Lane Hilton last week (November 21).

Naturex aims to make the most of rosemary's preservative potential


Naturex joint venture targets meat shelf-life boosters

By Rod Addy

Naturex aims to develop shelf-life-boosting formulations based on rosemary extracts with natural antimicrobial and antioxidant properties through the natural ingredient firm’s new joint venture with sister company Galactic.

Corridors of power: the Groceries Code Adjudicator will be a dominant influence on the food law landscape of 2014

Five top food law themes for 2014

By Michael Stones

Five top themes – led by the impact of the Groceries Code Adjudicator (GCA) – will dominate the food law landscape of 2014, predicts law firm Roythornes.

2 Sisters hopes the new vacuum pumps will speed-up cooking time of its ratatouille

2 Sisters to cut energy use at Carlisle site

By Laurence Gibbons

2 Sisters Food Group has installed two new vacuum pumps, designed to cut energy use, at its Cavaghan & Gray ready meal manufacturing facility in Carlisle.

The advertising watchdog has banned a KFC TV advert, after claims it was misleading

KFC discount slammed by advertising watchdog

By Michael Stones

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has banned a TV advert from Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), after a customer complained a special price offer was misleading.

Growing grain to feed to stock was creating an over-reliance on meat and dairy products that was bad for the evironment and disastrous for public health, warned Tim Lang

Food industry warned ‘the crunch is coming’

By Michael Stones

Food and drink manufacturers face “a big crunch”, as the consequences of the public health and environmental damage associated with the over production of meat and dairy foods begins to bite.

Against the grain: growing more vegetables and fruit would benefit public health and the environment, said Tim Lang

Food industry ‘should focus on plants not meat and dairy’

By Michael Stones

British cereal farmers should switch production towards vegetables and fruit – as part of a wider industry move, involving food manufacturers – to ditch meat and dairy products in a bid to improve public health and the environment.

Cargill hopes the site will strengthen supply of meat from UK-reared poultry

Cargill plans £35M investment in UK poultry site

By Rod Addy

Cargill is investing £35M to upgrade its poultry processing hub in Hereford and offer retailers and foodservice customers a massive boost to supplies of UK-sourced chickens.

Jones: engaging in good welfare has business benefits

Animal welfare captivates large food firms

By Gary Scattergood

Large food manufacturers are slowly getting better at promoting the higher animal welfare standards they are adopting, overcoming fears that it will open up other practices and the rest of their supply chains to enhanced scrutiny.

Krill oil has a superior source of omega-3

Sea changes

By Paul Gander

Enriching foods with omega-3 fatty acids is right on trend. Paul Gander asks which new applications are emerging - and which ones might take off

Gary Scattergood, editor, Food Ingredients Health & Nutrition

Box-ticking and delays after horsemeat crisis

By Gary Scattergood

Eight months after the horsemeat scandal, ingredient firms are still struggling to come to terms with the consequences. No-one in the industry would argue that the world has not changed in terms of traceability, inspections, audits and accountability.

Treating carcasses with steam and ultrasound decontaminates chicken

Danish poultry sector steps up to stem campylobacter

By Rick Pendrous

The UK could learn some lessons from the Danish experience as its poultry sector seeks to stem soaring levels of the bacterium campylobacter in the food chain.‘Quote marks’“Double quote”

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