Trends & Analysis

Buttriss: 'The overall package of nutrients needs to be centre stage'

Nutrition opinion

Nutrition a vital consideration in food system transformation

By Judy Buttriss

Amid concerns about the urgency of tackling climate change and the environmental impact of food systems, the fundamental importance of food as a source of nutrition and a means to good health is sometimes overlooked.

Bakery & confectionery trends: good for shoppers and the planet

Digital feature: bakery & confectionery ingredients

Bakery & confectionery trends: good for shoppers and the planet

By Michelle Perrett

The advent of COVID-19 in the UK sparked a major shift in the outlook of consumers: home baking surged and issues such as health and sustainability assumed greater importance.

Buttriss: 'We need to change the way we produce and consume food'

Nutrition Opinion

National Food Strategy Part 2: positive but chances missed

By Judy Buttriss

Part 2 of Henry Dimbleby’s recommendations to Government for a National Food Strategy, published on 15 July are ambitious and positioned to address the major challenges facing the food system: climate change, biodiversity loss, land use, diet-related...

Econauts takes home gold prize at Ecotrophelia UK 2021

Ecotrophelia UK 2021

FoodMan Talks: Econauts claims gold at Ecotrophelia UK 2021

By Gwen Ridler

Econauts, the student team from the University of Nottingham, has taken home the gold prize at this year’s Ecotrophelia UK student innovation competition with its non-alcoholic take on coffee liqueur.

Beneo says producers want more versatility to finely tune the organoleptic characteristics of meat-free products

Plant-based: flexitarians fuel innovation on flavours

By Jerome Smail

Plant-based eating is now well and truly mainstream, and with many major food manufacturers investing significantly in their meat-free product ranges, it’s easier than ever for consumers to get onboard.

Food firms will be faced with a number of hurdles in the near future, according to the IFST

IFST report highlights major hurdles in the future of UK food

By Gwen Ridler

Complexity surrounding food regulations, the dilution of food standards and limited access to food technicians will be the major hurdles affecting food and drink firms in the near future, according to a new report from the Institute of Food Science and...

Food safety never sleeps

Food safety never sleeps

By Jerome Smail

In a world where COVID-19 has forced a readjustment of priorities in so many areas, food safety has rightly remained at the very top of the agenda for producers.

Murphy & Son saves £100,000 through brewery innovation

Innovative approach pays off for Murphy & Son

By Jerome Smail

Brewing supplies and consultancy firm Murphy & Son claims to have saved nearly £100,000 over the past three years through its approach to product development.

Campden BRI continuous flow study aims to boost efficiency

Campden BRI study aims to cut over-processing costs

By Jerome Smail

An investigation into minimising over-processing could boost efficiency and profitability for food manufacturers, according to the project’s researchers at science and technology hub Campden BRI.

Incorporating new equipment into a factory can create cross contamination challenges

Cross contamination and cleaning in factory design

By Gwen Ridler

Issues surrounding cross contamination and hygiene must be at the forefront of a producer’s mind when integrating new machinery into their factories, according to Mariane Hodgkinson, hygiene consultant for specialist cleaning equipment supplier Hillbrush.

Bond: 'carry-over of essential micro-nutrients into products of animal origin will generally positively impact human health'

Ask The Expert, in collaboration with the Institute of Food Science & Technology

Ask The Expert: FSA's Mark Bond: animal feed and food chain

By Mark Bond

In this Ask The Expert, Mark Bond, a senior scientific adviser at the Food Standards Agency (FSA) discusses the overlap between animal feed issues and consumer foods.

Smart salt is designed to help achieve between 10% and 60% sodium reduction in products

Re:formulate: Brusco MD on sodium reduction and Smart Salt

By Jerome Smail

Food manufacturers will face continued pressure to lower salt levels in their products in response to a growing ‘health crisis’, according to Andrew Ashby, managing director of ingredients supplier Brusco Food Group.

SURFACE13 is designed to reduce the load of harmful microbes on surfaces

New antimicrobial topcoat to tackle COVID-19

By Gwen Ridler

Specialist coating supplier Surface Finishing UK has developed a clear antimicrobial topcoat designed to reduce the load of harmful microbes on surfaces – including SARS-COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

Buttriss: Bioavailability of vitamins and minerals one important consideration

Nutrition opinion

There is more to eating healthily than protein intake

By Judy Buttriss

Widely recognised is the importance for health of plenty of plant-derived ingredients – vegetables, fruit, grains, oilseeds and pulses – combined with more moderate amounts of animal-derived foods for the wealth of essential nutrients these provide.

Buttriss: 'Investment in plant research involving a multidisciplinary research team can help tackle major public health challenges'

Nutrition opinion

Plant-based benefits: ‘super pea’ may help tackle diabetes

By Judy Buttriss

Recently there has been considerable interest in peas (Pisum sativum) as a plant source of protein. But new research indicates resistant starch – found in some peas – may help control blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes, the incidence...

UK exports of meat and seafood have been dogged by delays; Credit: iStock Fevsiie Ryman

MPs press Eustice on Brexit meat and seafood delays

By Rod Addy

MPs have pressed food and farming minister George Eustice for details on Government aid for meat and seafood firms hit by Brexit-related border delays and launched an urgent inquiry into their impact.

Cognex Corporation's InSight system can pull data from both 3D and 2D detection systems

Smart camera combines 3D and 2D inspection systems

By Gwen Ridler

Cognex Corporation has launched a ‘first-of-its-kind’ smart camera that allows engineers to quickly, accurately and effectively solve a range of inspections on automated production lines.

Siemens offered its thoughts on automation in the face of Brexit-related supply issues


Automation a solution to 'cliff-edge' Brexit delays

By Gwen Ridler

Siemens Digital Logistics development consultant Phil Lavin and Digital Industries head of food and beverage Keith Thornhill discuss how automation technologies can be used to compensate for the delays caused by our ‘cliff-edge’ Brexit.

Buttriss: 'New opportunities may emerge now the UK has left the EU'

Nutrition opinion

Omega 3 fatty acids from transgenic plants

By Judy Buttriss

Oily fish such as mackerel, sardines and salmon are our primary dietary source of the long chain omega 3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

Empiricai's new system can detect violations to social distancing rules and if employees aren't wearing PPE

AI system tracks COVID-19 in food factories

By Gwen Ridler

Identifying COVID-19 symptoms and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning were key topics in our exclusive interview with Salman Chaudhary, chief executive of AI systems developer Empiricai.

This latest iteration of rice starch from Beneo suits a range of applications, including dressings

Beneo discusses first instant rice starch of its kind

By Rod Addy

Global food ingredients supplier Beneo discusses the launch of the first instant clean label rice starch able to withstand harsh processing conditions, which debuted at virtual trade show Fi Europe Connect 2020 earlier this month.

Scientific papers on emerging aspects of nutrition and COVID-19 continue to be published

Food scientists assess nutritional weapons against COVID-19

By Rod Addy

Selenium, zinc, Vitamin D and a healthy gut microbiota can all help fight the effects of COVID-19, according to scientists presenting at the British Nutrition Foundation's (BNF's) virtual conference Nutrition and COVID-19.

Mewies: 'As AI gets more advanced, it may begin to create new ideas. Who would own the intellectual property rights in new inventions created solely by AI?'


Reaping the benefits of artificial intelligence

By Sally Mewies

New opportunities are emerging at an unprecedented rate to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in order to optimise processes in food production and while the benefits are often very clear, there are legal bear traps for the unwary....

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