Packaging & Labelling

Eco-friendly packaging, space saving and gentle robots are new developments in packaging machinery

Packaging machinery: space saving and eco-friendly

By Gwen Ridler

Food and drink manufacturers are constantly having to boost production to meet an ever-growing demand for their products, prompting a need for developers of packaging machinery to keep up.

Supply chain operators could soon be hit but a massive packaging shortage, warns Antalis

Packaging shortages to hit supply chains

By Gwen Ridler

As packaging demand swells, driven by an accelerated switch to online purchasing, supply chain operators should consider alternatives to paper and card to maintain the flow of materials, according to Antalis.

Buttriss: 'Front-of-pack flashes such as ‘vegan’ or ‘plant-based’ ... are being used as a shortcut by some seeking healthier or more environmentally sustainable meal choices'


Does a vegan on-pack flash justify a health halo?

By Judy Buttriss

British Nutrition Foundation director general Judy Buttriss questions whether a vegan on-pack flash justifies a product as being healthier and better for the environment.

Rodda's says the new GI scheme would strengthen the global status of its Cornish clotted cream

Food firms back British GI labelling scheme

By Rod Addy

Processors including Rodda's Creamery and Anglesey Sea Salt have welcomed the British Geographical Indications (GI) scheme launched by the Government to help safeguard provenance and replace the EU system post-Brexit.

Princes sees the labelling move as part of a wider response to shoppers demanding more transparency from processors

Princes pursues transparency with Napolina QR codes

By Rod Addy

Princes has launched on-pack quick response (QR) codes on its Napolina canned tomatoes, enabling smartphone users to view their quality and sustainability credentials as part of a broader blockchain-enabled transparency drive.

The new hub has £2m backing from the Welsh Government

Sustainable food packaging hub launches in Wales

By Michelle perrett

A sustainable food packaging hub is being established at the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre Cymru (AMRC Cymru) in Broughton, Wales with a £2m financial investment from the Welsh Government.

Meadow Foods’ new plant-based yogurt pots will be made from 100% recycled PET

Meadow Foods commits to slashing plastic waste

By Rod Addy

Dairy ingredients supplier Meadow Foods is stepping up its eco-friendly packaging work, launching a new sustainability pledge in partnership with voluntary global assurance initiative Responsible Plastic Management (RPM) Program.

Metal could be used to achieve a premium feel in packaging

Crown shines light on metal

By Gwen Ridler

Crown Food Europe is advocating the use of metal to convey a premium feel to packaging in the “booming” snacks market.

Packaging requirements will change depending on the future of distribution, be that to retailers or direct to consumer


Why deliver to retailers rather than consumers?

By Paul Gander

As the world shifts to adapt to the new normal in the wake of the coronavirus, what makes producers continue supplying to retailers instead of adopting a direct to consumer approach?

YPACK has developed a new bio-based plastic alternative to traditional food packaging

EU-funded bioplastic developed

By Gwen Ridler

EU-funded project YPACK has developed a new bio-based plastic alternative to traditional food packaging.

The future of food packaging could lie in a new recyclable material from VTT

Food plastics replacement under test

By Michelle Perrett

A new recyclable material that can be used in the same way as plastic has been developed by research and development company VTT.

Packaging suppliers have been forced to adapt their operations in the face of the coronavirus

Packaging sector adapts to pandemic

By Michelle Perrett

The food packaging market has not been immune to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, with many firms adjusting working practices – and even products – in the current climate.

Extended Producer Responsibility for plastic packaging could significantly increase costs for manufacturers

Pack waste rule change may hike cost

By Paul Gander

Moving to a single compliance point for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regarding local authority-collected packaging waste could hugely increase costs for food and drink brand-owners, according to sustainability experts.

Tetra Pak's new digital marketplace will make product purchasing more accessible for manufacturers

Tetra Pak opens virtual marketplace

By Michelle Perrett

Food processing and packaging company Tetra Pak has launched an “industry first” with a full-scale virtual marketplace for the food and beverage (F&B) industry.

Food manufacturers are at the risk of running out of packaging and need to plan accordingly, warns Lloyd's Register

Coronavirus sparks food packaging shortage risks

By Gwen Ridler

Shortages in packaging supplies and personal protective equipment (PPE) due to the coronavirus could spark compliance issues for food and drink manufacturers, according to food safety assurance specialist Lloyd’s Register.

Four of the world's biggest food manufacturers have been accused of excessive plastic pollution

Top brands named worst offenders for plastic pollution

By Gwen Ridler

Coca-Cola, Nestlé, Unilever and PepsiCo are responsible for half a million tonnes of plastic pollution burnt or dumped in just six developing countries, according to a report from non-governmental organisation Tearfund.

Aluminium bottles offer an infinitely recyclable resource, but does the cost outweigh the benefits?

Aluminium gets infinite makeover

By Paul Gander

Ball Corporation has emphasised the ‘infinite’ recyclability of its newly-launched Infinity impact-extruded aluminium bottle, recasting it as ‘a circular solution to plastic pollution’.

OPRL's new labels have revealed the imitations of a binary system

OPRL label shows need for trade-offs

By Paul Gander

As non-profit organisation OPRL (On-Pack Recycling Label) consolidates its new ‘binary’, rules-based system for indicating materials’ recyclability, some of the challenges with this more rigid type of approach are starting to emerge.

Packaging Innovations will highlight the latest trends and technology in the industry

Packaging Innovations 2020

Plastic in perspective

By Noli Dinkovski

With plastic packaging now coming in for widespread consumer criticism, this year’s Packaging Innovations show sets the stage for industry to debate, discuss and find solutions that are eco-friendly and address concerns over carbon footprint.

Finding alternatives to plastic packaging presents it own set of problems

Substituting plastics can conceal risks

By Paul Gander

Brand owners and retailers pressured into finding alternatives to plastics packaging may simply replace current problems with different future ones, potentially resulting in much higher carbon footprints, while having no impact on whole-system sustainability,...

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