
Changes to food and drink export processes have proved to be a headache

Digital feature: long read

Freightful times for food exporters

By Lynda Searby

UK exporters will have to wait for the COVID fog to lift before they can get a clear view of the future, says Lynda Searby.

The Seasonal Workers visa scheme has been updated to run until the end of 2024

Seasonal Workers scheme extended to 2024

By Gwen Ridler

The Government has extended the Seasonal Workers visa scheme to the end of 2024 to allow foreign workers to pick edible and ornamental crops, but employers were warned this isn’t a long-term solution.

Low stocks and shipping issues could see a shortage of sushi rice in the UK

Sushi rice prices set to explode

By Gwen Ridler

The UK is set to experience a significant increase in the price of sushi rice, according to ingredients firm Eurostar Commodities.

Boparan: 'Silly to plug any gaps by using imports'

2 Sisters to add 900 workers in visa boost

By Rod Addy

2 Sisters Food Group president Ranjit Singh Boparan has praised the Government's temporary visa scheme for seasonal poultry workers, claiming it has helped source up to 900 EU workers in the run-up to Christmas.

International trade secretary Anne-Marie Trevelyan hope to promote export opportunities to UK businesses

Trade secretary launches export campaign

By Gwen Ridler

A campaign urging UK businesses to ‘sell to the world’ and explore export opportunities has been launched by the international trade secretary.

Muneer: 'Businesses need to ensure they have the necessary permissions to bring workers into the country'

Legal opinion

HGV driver, poultry worker and pork butcher visas: what we know

By Shabana Muneer

In an effort to tackle supply chain issues, the Government backtracked on its refusal to allow 'unskilled' labour into the UK and announced a temporary visa scheme for overseas HGV drivers, poultry workers and now pork butchers. The situation...

The Government has announced plans to offer 800 visas for overseas abattoir workers

Temporary abattoir visas fail to address wider issues

By Gwen Ridler

Government plans to allow 800 foreign abattoir workers into the UK on temporary visas will address immediate issues, but larger labour issues still need to addressed, warned members of the industry.

Shoratges of qualified vets has hit Wales the hardest, according to Eville & Jones

Wales hit hardest by UK vet shortage

By Gwen Ridler

The shortage of qualified veterinarians in the UK continued to threaten exports to EU countries, with Wales hit the hardest by the shortfall, according to provider Eville & Jones.

Brodie: 'The current issues require immediate short term solutions'

Food Manufacture webinar

'Worst skills crisis in our lifetime' - Avara Foods's Brodie

By Rod Addy

The food industry faces 'the worst skills crisis in our lifetime', according to Andrew Brodie, Avara Foods people and communications director, one of the participants in Food Manufacture's 9 September webinar tackling the issue.

Typhoo processes its branded and own label teas in the UK

Typhoo Tea acquired by Zetland Capital

By Rod Addy

Typhoo Tea Ltd, maker of brands such as Lift and Heath & Heather has been acquired by private equity firm Zetland Capital, enabling it to invest in production and boost jobs.

Roebuck: 'The flow of labour into the country is not there at the moment'

Foodman Talks

FoodMan Talks: Dunbia's Isla Roebuck on meat sector hurdles

By Rod Addy

Having relinquished the British Meat Processors Association (BMPA) presidency after an intense four-years, Dunbia's business public relations director (UK) Isla Roebuck tackles Brexit, the skills shortage and Dunbia's joint venture with Dawn...

The Wyke Farms Wincanton site can pack up to 60t of product in 24 hours

Me & My Team

Me & My Team: inside track on Wyke Farms export hub

By Pete Hooper

An extension to Wyke Farms's Wincanton cheese store and export packing facility was completed in February 2021, transforming it into an export centre of excellence and the timing was perfect, says operations director Pete Hooper.

Clothier: 'The system is older than you or I'

FoodMan Talks: Wyke Farms grows exports amid Brexit red tape

By Rod Addy

Post-Brexit bureaucracy is still hampering cheese producer Wyke Farms' export efforts, although the company is making considerable headway in markets outside the EU, according to managing director Richard Clothier in the latest FoodMan Talks.

Last minute decisions by the Government could result ‘unnecessary and costly’ uncertainty

Seasonal worker shortage branded ‘unnecessary and costly’

By Gwen Ridler

The Government has placed British food producers ‘at the bottom of the list’ for migrant workers thanks to ‘unnecessary and costly’ uncertainty surrounding delayed Seasonal Workers Pilot announcements, according to MPs.

Liz Truss made reassurances that food standards won't slip in the UK/Australia trade deal

Secretary of state reaffirms food standards commitment

By Gwen Ridler

Secretary of State for International trade Liz Truss has reaffirmed the Government’s commitment to securing high food standards for products coming into the country without undermining UK producers.

The EU did not opt to introduce border controls in phases

Brexit: food firms must prepare for phased border checks

By Andrew Northage & Claire Burrows

Legal experts at Walker Morris discuss what food businesses need to know about phases 2 and 3 of implementing checks at the Great Britain/EU border now the Brexit transition period has ended.

Exports from the UK were down in 2020 thanks to the pandemic and Brexit

Food and drink exports dip in 2020

By Gwen Ridler

UK food and drink exports fell 9.7% in 2020 compared to the previous year, but opportunities to grow in overseas markets still remain, according to a new report.

Leaving the EU has had a profound effect on the exportation of 'just-in-time' short shelf-life food, says CFA director Karin Goodburn

Chilled Food Association and vets battle Brexit red tape

By Rod Addy

The Chilled Food Association (CFA) is supporting vets battling the rising tide of costly red tape needed to allow Great Britain to transport short shelf-life composite foods of animal origin into the EU.

February food export stats: note of caution sounded

February food export stats: note of caution sounded

By Jerome Smail

Food export struggles seem more systemic for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) after the Brexit transition period’s end, sounding a note of caution despite February export statistics painting a rosier picture than January data.

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