Kill it, cook it, eat it!

Kill it, cook it, eat it!

In a previous column I mentioned that I had part ownership of a Gloucester Old Spot pig, Delia, which was due for slaughter. I am now able to report...

Nose to tail development

Nose to tail development

Why do British consumers opt for the bland and the boring when it comes to pre-packed meat cuts? We really are an unadventurous lot when it comes to...

Product sales to kitchen scales

Product sales to kitchen scales

Sales experience gives Premier Foods' business development chef Justyn Dow the upper hand in NPD, says Sarah Britton

Mixed emotions

Mixed emotions

By Sarah Britton

While market analysts are confident that the mood foods sector is set to grow, consumers remain unconvinced, says Sarah Britton

The heart of the debate

The heart of the debate

By Mary Carmichael

Ingredients suppliers remain confident that the heart health trend is about to rocket, but market analysts aren't so sure. Mary Carmichael reports

Polish invasion

Polish invasion

By Lynda Searby

The Polish food revolution is well under way, not just in specialist delicatessens, but in major retailers where consumers can't get enough of pickled cucumbers and Pierogi dumplings. Lynda Searby investigates

Cast your net wider

Cast your net wider

By Sarah Britton

Sustainability issues mean traditional cod and haddock products are making way for hake and pollock. Sarah Britton reports

The health divide

The health divide

By Rod Addy

Depending on which category processors specialise in, the health craze is either stifling or encouraging creativity. Rod Addy investigates

Premium, not prima donna

Premium, not prima donna

By Sarah Britton

Experts tell Sarah Britton where to draw the line between developing an expensive product that tastes great, but is unaffordable, and creating a lesser product that looks the part, but doesn't perform well

Show me the honey

Show me the honey

Honey Monster Foods, a subsidiary of Big Bear, plans to revive the hot cereals category with the launch of Honey Meltz - a new porridge with tasty...

The chefs of tomorrow

The chefs of tomorrow

As I got my fix of Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares one evening last month, I found myself scribbling down some notes as I planned a menu for a young...

Thoughts on slow food

Thoughts on slow food

I have just joined Slow Food Dorset but work for Oscar Mayer, a leading producer manufacturing supermarket ready meals - am I a hypocrite?Slow Food...

A flooded marketplace

A flooded marketplace

Unless afforded the luxury of basking in the southern European heat wave for the last three months, you cannot escape the fact that the good old...

Large scale learnings

Large scale learnings

By Sarah Britton

Greencore development manager Andy Bacon sees kitchen creations through the manufacturing process. Sarah Britton talks NPD with him

Stealing beauty

Stealing beauty

By Sarah Britton

Beauty food manufacturers face an uphill struggle to prise market share away from external application products, says Sarah Britton

Curb your cravings

Curb your cravings

By John Dunn

Diets are yesterday's news as consumers demand food that fills them up for longer. John Dunn explores the potential for products that provide satiety without bloating

The super bowl

The super bowl

By Rod Addy

Weight management and heart health are making oats, multigrains and natural ingredients more popular in the cereals category, says Rod Addy

Not just for Christmas

Not just for Christmas

By Sarah Britton

While consumers are happy to buy foods containing alcohol over the festive period, they are less willing to do so at other times of the year. But some manufacturers are trying to change this, as Sarah Britton reports

Beauty cream

Beauty cream

By Lynda Searby

It may be a few thousand years since Cleopatra bathed in ass's milk, but the dairy industry is still leading the way when it comes to new product development in beauty foods. Lynda Searby reports

Film studies

Film studies

Research into edible films, coatings and marinades promises to revolutionise shelf-life issues. Catherine Quinn asks what's in the pipeline?

Plan ahead or yule be sorry

Plan ahead or yule be sorry

It seems Christmas comes earlier every year. Advertisements go up in the summer and as soon as the dark nights start drawing in, the puddings and...

Thoughts on the last supper

Thoughts on the last supper

At a recent gathering of food professionals attending an awards ceremony at The Savoy Hotel, discussion around the lunch table turned to what we...

Products with pedigree

Products with pedigree

While out food shopping last Christmas, I had to do a double take. Browsing the seasonal party snacks section my eyes fell upon a turkey &...

Retail relations

Retail relations

Asda chef Neil Nugent gives Sarah Britton his views on NPD as Food Manufacture delves inside the mind of one of UK retail's top creatives

Vitamin vitality

Vitamin vitality

Naturally occurring in citrus fruits and other fruits and vegetables, vitamin C has now been launched by DSM Nutritional Products as a high-quality...

Weaned to be green

Weaned to be green

By Rick Pendrous

The government may be keen to go green, but it will take more than an eco-label to change shoppers' buying habits, says Rick Pendrous

Handy and healthy

Handy and healthy

By Nicola Cottam

Manufacturers are battling to get the message across to consumers that ready meals can actually be healthy. Nicola Cottam investigates

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