What's the catch?

What's the catch?

By Sarah Britton

Changing the appearance of seafood may sound like a developer's dream, but there are fears that consumers won't take to new formats. Sarah Britton investigates

In the bag

In the bag

Will hunger for healthier food-on-the-go increase pressure to reformulate traditional bagged snacks? Gail Hunt asks

Oily customers

Oily customers

By Elaine Watson

It's the hottest functional ingredient in town, but will high consumer awareness of omega-3s translate into action? Elaine Watson reports

A question of faith

A question of faith

As more Halal products appear on the shelves, Rebecca Green looks at how firms can capitalise on this growth market

Lost for words

Lost for words

By Sarah Britton

Although testing products on consumers is key to successful NPD, Sarah Britton discovers that you can't believe everything you hear

Developing developers

Developing developers

It's not very often that large food manufacturers work together on a project, especially if they're in competition with each other. But Premier Foods...

Local sourcing is miles better

Local sourcing is miles better

I always have and always will prefer to purchase British produce. I believe that it is important to support our nation's farmers and growers. And...

Age-defying juice

Age-defying juice

If he really wanted to stay young, it seems Peter Pan should have ditched Neverland for the Netherlands. The country is home to the Beauty Juicer - a...

Ready, steady, go!

Ready, steady, go!

Cereal bars are benefiting from consumers' growing tendency to eat on the run, but how do brands stand out in a crowded market? Rebecca Green reports

Green for go?

Green for go?

The issue of front of pack labelling has been hitting the headlines ever since the FSA first announced its traffic lights scheme. But has it changed consumers' habits, or, importantly, their health? Rebecca Green reports

Nature vs nurture

Nature vs nurture

Juices and smoothies are booming as healthy alternatives to fizzy drinks, but should producers go functional or stay au naturale? asks Gail Hunt

Liquid gold

Liquid gold

By Sarah Britton

Added-value milks have lapped up plenty of attention lately, but where are the smart manufacturers investing their money? Sarah Britton investigates the market

Hello heart Hello brain

Hello heart Hello brain

By Elaine Watson

It's the one functional ingredient even your granny has heard of, but with competition hotting up, the race is now on to provide omega-3 in its most effective form. Elaine Watson reports

Imposter or the real McCoy?

Imposter or the real McCoy?

For those of you who, like me, have been glued to the recent BBC 4 series 'Cooking in the Danger Zone', you will no doubt have shared in the jaw...

Hot rules for a new kitchen

Hot rules for a new kitchen

Most chefs need a kitchen. Now there's a statement you can hang your hat on.But where does the kitchen come from? If I asked you to build me a...

Small but perfectly formed

Small but perfectly formed

Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels may be divided by language and tastes, but they offer very loyal customers for UK suppliers prepared to make the effort. Sue Scott reports

Going the distance

Going the distance

The term 'food miles' is a phrase often bandied about by the food industry, but is it an issue that's taken seriously?A recent Department for Food,...

Honey trap

Honey trap

A honey bee may be able to fly at 15 miles per hour, but this still isn't fast enough to keep up with consumption trends. Business is booming in the honey aisles, says Gail Hunt. But watch out for those red traffic lights

Proactive NPD

Proactive NPD

Over recent months there have been several reports of successful large companies experiencing a fall in sales as their ranges are rejected by...

If you tolerate this

If you tolerate this

By Elaine Watson

The supermarket ambient free from aisle is bursting with new products, but head into the ready meals cabinets or your local pub and the pickings remain slim indeed for allergy and intolerance sufferers, says Elaine Watson

Kiss goodbye to chemical colours

Kiss goodbye to chemical colours

By Sarah Britton

The confectionery aisle isn't the first port of call for a wholesome snack, but with health now firmly established as a long-term trend, the race is on for chocolatiers to kick their bad habits, says Sarah Britton

Best of British

Best of British

The overall market may be flat, but premium ready meals and ready to cook ranges are booming. Rebecca Green discovers how health and a rekindled love for British food are playing their part

Bang for your bucks

Bang for your bucks

A decent NPD process helps manage risk and control costs. So why aren't more food manufacturers using one, asks Elaine Watson

Developing character

Developing character

What makes a good development chef? It's a question I'm asked nearly as often as: Do you know where I can find a good development chef?Ironically,...

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