
Buttriss: 'New opportunities may emerge now the UK has left the EU'

Nutrition opinion

Omega 3 fatty acids from transgenic plants

By Judy Buttriss

Oily fish such as mackerel, sardines and salmon are our primary dietary source of the long chain omega 3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

Detection and inspection systems have had to adapt to the challenges of COVID-19 and drastically increased workflows

Detection and inspection

Detection and inspection: food safety tech in a COVID world

By Gwen Ridler

The world has changed a lot over the course of a year. From the way we work to how products reach consumers, every part of the food and drink industry has felt some impact from COVID-19 and subsequent lockdowns enforced to help contain its spread.

Mewies: 'As AI gets more advanced, it may begin to create new ideas. Who would own the intellectual property rights in new inventions created solely by AI?'


Reaping the benefits of artificial intelligence

By Sally Mewies

New opportunities are emerging at an unprecedented rate to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in order to optimise processes in food production and while the benefits are often very clear, there are legal bear traps for the unwary....

Red meat shelf-life boost could benefit other meats

Red meat shelf-life boost could benefit other meats

By Michelle Perrett

The British Meat Processors Association (BMPA) claims a move to convince the Food Standards Agency (FSA) to support extending chilled red meat shelf-life beyond ten days could benefit other meats too.

Pino Calcagni: 'Synergies to improve economies of scale'

Nut and dried fruit supplier to grow Ipswich factory

By Rod Addy

Italian nut and dried fruit firm Besana, which supplies manufacturers and supermarkets including Tesco and Waitrose, will grow its Ipswich packing and distribution site following a merger with Spanish company Importaco.

Tennent's: Two 25 tonne tanks were lifted 60 metres above Wellpark Brewery’s silos

Tennent’s Brewery invests £2.6M in carbon capture

By Michelle Perrett

Tennent’s, the Scottish brewer owned by C&C Group, has invested £2.6m to install a carbon capture facility at Glasgow’s Wellpark Brewery, allowing it to capture more than 4,200 tonnes of carbon dioxide annually.

The electronic apple (seen here in blue) can help reduce food waste by identifying potential causes of damage during packing

Electronic apple helps prevent food waste

By Gwen Ridler

A new electronic ‘apple’ could help prevent delicate goods being damaged in transit and prevent food waste, according to its developer Brillopak.

Made Smarter supports investment in a range of industrial digital technologies, including data analytics, artificial intelligence and robotics

Food firms win funds to boost digital technology

Food firms win funds to boost digital technology

By Noli Dinkovski

Four food companies are to ramp up their digital capabilities after securing funds from the Made Smarter programme.

The project aims to establish the biggest challenges of using plant-based proteins in products

New project to boost plant-based knowledge

By Noli Dinkovski

A two-year research project that aims to help food and drink manufacturers use protein-rich plant-based ingredients more effectively has been launched by Campden BRI.

Listeria outbreaks have claimed lives across the UK, Spain, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands this year

Court Order backs phage use against listeria

By Rod Addy

Food firms can keep using phages to fight listeria on ready-to-eat foods in the absence of a developed EU legal framework, according to a European Court of Justice Court Order.

Harvard researchers have used edible gelatine scaffolds to mimic the texture and consistency of real meat

Gelatine ‘scaffolds’ breakthrough for lab-grown meat

By Noli Dinkovski

Lab-grown meat has moved a step closer to becoming commercially viable after US researchers successfully grew rabbit and cow muscle cells on edible gelatine ‘scaffolds’ to mimic the texture and consistency of natural meat.

Made Smarter offers fully-funded strategic advice, access to leadership development, technical student placements and grant funding to enable food manufacturers

Food firms eye boost from digital initiative

By Dan Colombini

A number of food manufacturers have set out new proposals to embrace digital technologies to improve delivery methods for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Microplastics pose a risk to human health, claim experts. Image by Oregon State University shared under a Creative Commons 2.0 licence

Microplastics harm human health, warn experts

By Gwen Ridler

Human health could be at risk from microplastics – small pieces of plastic less than 5mm in length – according to researchers at the University Medical Centre Utrecht.

What are the emerging threats? How can the industry manage them effectively? The Food Safety Briefing will address these questions

Food Safety Briefing takes place on 15 October

By Rod Addy

Food Manufacture's Food Safety Briefing, chaired by chief executive of Campden BRI Steven Walker and sponsored by RSSL, will take place online on 15 October at 3pm.

The latest in food safety news, including senior appointments as RSSL and poultry recall figures

Food safety news round-up

By Gwen Ridler

From using food microstructure in product development to new handheld testing systems developed by Hygiena, we run down some of the latest developments in food safety.

AI inspection systems have boomed in recent years

AI inspection system boom

By Noli Dinkovski

Next-generation artificial intelligence (AI) inspection systems that include the likes of thermal, 3D, and hyperspectral imaging are playing an ever more critical role in helping manufacturers reduce product recalls, a supplier to the industry has claimed.

 Wilkins: 'A company’s training system must be cost-effective, while guaranteeing high employee engagement and enabling rapid recruitment of new staff'


Why food safety training is vital in the wake of cuts

By Alex Wilkins

Training provider iHasco head of business development Alex Wilkins urges the importance of food safety training in food manufacturing businesses, in the wake of cuts by local authorities.

Nourishe3d founder Melissa Snover shares her dream for personalised nutrition using 3D printing

Development hub

A glimpse into life in 3D

By Ellie Woollven

3D printing of food is turning from pipe dream into commercial reality, as nutrition supplements firm Nourish3d is about to prove.

Blakemore: '3D printing will also infiltrate the food industry in a more pervasive way'


Compass boss: how food tech will transform future

By Rod Addy

Augmented reality, 3D printing and artificial intelligence (AI) can help deliver a sustainable food system and the food industry needs to react to the challenges they pose, according to Compass boss Dominic Blakemore.

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